Chapter 1

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Josie POV

Lizzie and I were headed to our last class of the day, magical history. She was busy complaining about her and Mg's friend relationship and I was busy not paying attention. As we were walking to class I saw Hope. My heart started to race a little bit and I felt myself getting nervous. She smiled at me "hey princess". My cheeks got hot when she called me princess and I quickly took my seat next to Lizzie.

Ugh why do I have to have a crush on Hope freaking Mikaelson. She's way out of my league and I doubt she even thinks of me like that.

Class started and it was super boring so I didn't pay attention. It was about half way through class when there was a loud crash coming from down the hall. My Dad came running into the class room. " Dorian! there's a bunch of hybrids outside, Emma put a barrier around the school but I need you're help. You too Hope" he said then running out the door. Hope rolled her eyes and got up and left with Dorian.

Hope POV

Dorian and I were running down the hall towards the front of the school where Emma and Alaric were waiting. "So why are there hybrids here? I thought they all died after kl- uh" Dorian started to say but then stopped when he looked at me. "Well Klaus forced a witch to protect his sire line so none of them would die because of him" Alaric said.

"And they are here Because they want... you" He said looking at me. "Why would they wa-" I cut Dorian off . "Because I'm an abomination. And they probably just want to kill me because they hated my dad" I say. "look we just need to kill them before they kill us and get Hope" Alaric says handing a cross bow to Dorian. There were about 20 hybrids standing right outside of the school. I don't think we can take them all on honestly.

Suddenly one of them threw a metal fence post through the door. It was aimed at me but I quickly moved out of the way. "You can either invite us in and give us the tribrid or we can burn this place down and kill everyone" one of them yelled. They started coming closer, so Alaric shot one through the chest sending his  heart flying out his back with the arrow. "Not a chance" he said angrily.

Two of the hybrid started pouring gasoline around the entrance. Their childish gesture didn't really scare me since I could just put the fire out with magic. I spoke too soon because one of the hybrids, I'm guessing the leader, walked to the front of the pack and standing beside him was Josie. "JOSIE" Alaric yelled. She was crying quietly but I could hear her whimper. "Don't touch her" I yelled my eyes were now yellow.

"Give us the tribrid and we won't hurt the girl" their leader said smiling. Without thinking I walked out the door way. "No, Hope wait" Alaric said but it was too late. Five of them jumped me. I was able to take out three of them, ripping their hearts out, but they just kept coming. I was being held by six hybrids and then everything went black.

Josie POV

The hybrid let go of me as soon as Hope walked out and I ran to my dad. I turned around to see Hopes heart in the hybrids hand. Her body fell to the ground and a pool of blood started forming under her.

I was frozen in shock at the sight of her lifeless body. The man then dropped the bloody heart on the ground next to Hope. "Thank you for your corporation" he said smiling before they all vamp sped away.

I just stood there staring at her body. "Dorian come on we need to get her inside" I hear my dad say. They both walk over to Hopes body and pick her up. "Dad she's dead what are you doing" I say still staring at the heart. "Sweetie she's not a normal hybrid, you can't kill her just by ripping her heart out". He says while carrying her to the infermieri.

When we got there my dad slowly set Hope's body down on one of the hospital beds. "She'll be out for a while so we can leave her here for now" my dad said as he walked out with Dorian. I decided to wait by her side until she woke her up.

Hope POV

I Slowly opened my eyes to hospital lights shinning
on my face. Everything was fuzzy, I rubbed my eyes and then focused on on a sleeping Josie. She was in a chair next to me with her head laying on the bed.

Why does my head hurt so bad, what happened....and why am I in the school infirmary. WAIT! I died. I'm dead...

I sat straight up looking around. Im hungry. I suddenly caught whiff of an amazing smell. I looked down and realized the smell was coming
from Josie. I-I need blood. I felt double fangs starting to grow in my mouth and pain shot throughly body. "Hope?" I looked up to see Josie staring at me. "Are you okay" she said not breaking eye contact. "I-I need to go get out of here" I say getting up quickly. "Wait" Josie grabbed my hand. I snapped my head around to look at her. My eyes were now black and yellow with veins under my eyes and I basically growled at her.

Josie let go of me and she looked scared. "Hope" she said still looking at me. "Please just leave me alone" I spit out as I ran out. I got to my room and slammed the door shut. I slid down it and sat on the ground, tears started sliding down my face. I'm going to be a vampire just l-like dad. I can't be one, I can't be like him. 

I was sitting there for a while until I heard a quiet knock. "Hope are you in there" It was Josie. I stood up and opened the door slowly. "What do you want Josie" I say wiping my tears. "I wanted to make sure your okay. Why did you just leave" she said walking into my room.

I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. I just want to die right now. "Josie please just go I want to be alone right now" I say not making eye contact. "You have to feed though to complete your transformation" she says. " I'm not going to finish the transformation" I say looking at the floor. "What!? But you'll die if you don't" she sort of yelled at me.

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