Chapter 14

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Josie POV

The next day I woke up happy. I rolled over on Hope and kissed her waking her up in the process. "Ughh it's to early" she groaned. "C'mon we have stuff to do today. Plus you need to go talk to my dad later to work out the whole Raf thing" Hope just groans again as she gets out of bed.

She walked to the bathroom and started brushing her teeth. At this point half of my wardrobe is here since I basically live with her now. I
get dressed and put on one of Hope jackets.

After we both finished getting ready we headed to class. Luckily it was Friday so we only had three classes today. Hope held my hand as we walked down the hallway towards Magical history. We sat together in the back row across from Henry and Mg.

Even though this is my best class I barley got anything done, I kept getting distracted by Hope. She was drawing shapes on my thigh under the table and flirting with me all class. 

Eventually class ended and Hope had to leave for her meeting with my dad. She gave me a soft kiss before heading off.

Lizzie met me in the hall and walked with me to our next class as she complained about 'boyfriend troubles'. "Lizzie maybe you should just break up with him" I say annoyed. "But there aren't any other hot guys at this school" I rolled my eyes at her remark. "What about Mg" I ask but she just ignores me.

My next two classes went by fast and I was now on my way to lunch with everyone. We all sat together during lunch, Kaleb, Jed, Mg, Lizzie and Henry. Mg and Henry just bickered about some comic book guy, while everyone else argued about movies to watch. Hope eventually walked into the cafeteria but for some reason Landon was with her.

She looked very annoyed as she sat down next to me. She face planted on the table and sighed loudly. Landon came up behind her and started talking. "Hope come on you're being a bitch" he started but I could tell she wasn't interested in his words.

"You're only doing it to show off in front of your slutty girlfrie-" before he could finish the last word, Hope had vamp sped up from the table and was now holding him by his neck 2 feet off the floor.

"You don't get to talk about Josie like that. I will fucking kill you if you do it again. I also do not give a shit about you or you're asshole brother, understand" Landon nodded slightly. "Good. Now go away and don't talk to me again" she said dropping him. Landon quickly ran off letting Hope sit down again.

Everyone looked at her for a few seconds before going back to what they were doing. "Uh so I'm guessing the meeting didn't go well" I ask. "He wanted me to apologize to Rafael so I told them to fuck off. Then Landon kept following me, trying to get me to back down and leave Raf alone, even though he's the one who's been harassing us" Hope answers.

I just nod and kiss her cheek, "Well anyways, we were actually trying to pick a movie to watch tonight. So do you have any suggestions" Hope looked unamused. "I say we watch Star Wars" Mg speaks. "Ew over my dead body nerd. We are watching Titanic" Lizzie basically demanded making everyone groan.

"What about a scary movie, like the conjuring?" Kaleb speaks up. Both Henry and Hope look happy with that idea, "Yes" they say at the same time. "Absolutely not" I look directly at Hope. "How about spy kids" Jed said making everyone bust out laughing.

We argued for another 10 minutes throwing out different ideas before Hope finally intervened. "Okay guys enough, we'll watch Lizzies stupid Titanic" Lizzie smiled widely at this decision.

"Okay then we have a movie. Now we just need somewhere to watch it" I say. "What about the old barn. We can set up a projector and some pillows and blankets" Jed replies.

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