Chapter 15

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Hope POV

Josie, Jed and I were walking to the cafeteria to get breakfast. We got our food and went to one of the tables where Henry and Mg were already sitting together. Once we sat down the rest of my new found pack joined us.

Things have been pretty great since we've been hanging out with everyone. Being around Henry and the others is actually kinda nice and I don't feel as alone as I used to.

As we ate I started to feel uneasy, like something was coming. Then it hit me. I used my speed to catch a small dagger mid air from impaling Jeds head, slicing my palm in the process. I immediately faced the doorway letting my vampire features show in anger. How dare someone try to hurt my pack.

As soon I turned around, fear rushed through my head and I dropped the blade. I just stood there absolutely paralyzed, not knowing what to do next. I could hear Josie speaking to me but I still couldn't move.

How is he-he's dead, dad killed him. "Hope, HOPE are you listening? Who is that" Josie spoke louder. Suddenly I snapped out of my head, I picked up the knife and hurled it with all my strength at his heart. He easily could have caught it but for some reason he let the blade enter his chest.

"Hope what the hell" Jed sounds confused. "Run" I spit out. "You can do better than that" his evil voice echoed as he pulled the blade out. I started saying a spell which threw his body down the hall, slamming him into some lockers.

But he just picked himself up like it was nothing. I sped into the hall to keep him from trying to hurt the others. I watched as he pulled something from his jacket...It was the White oak stake used to kill my dad.

He somehow got ahold of it and he was going to use it on me. I see Alaric running towards us with his crossbow in hand. "HOPE GET AWAY FROM HIM" he yelled. I muttered a spell trapping him where he stood.

I heard foot steps and turned to see the whole pack plus Josie and Henry watching us. "HOPE GO NOW!" Alaric yelled again. 

I knew if I stayed he'd kill me but I couldn't just leave my friends here to die. "Alpha what can we do" Mark calls out to me.

"You know you can't beat me little wolf. Don't be a coward, let me out so I can rid the world of you" Mikael spoke. 

I was still facing the pack when I felt a sharp pain in my back. Mikael had thrown the stake, luckily missing my heart, into my upper back. I yelped out in pain as I dropped, catching myself with my hands against the wood floor.

Sadly my concentration was broken allowing him to break free from my barrier.

I grunted as he ripped the stake out then grabbed my neck, slamming me into the wall. "Your just as pathetic as Klaus was. Your even an abomination like him. I only wish he was here to watch you die" tears were streaming down my face.

Alaric shot him with his bow but Mikael wasn't even phased. Instead he just tightened his grip on me and I could barely breath. Against my wishes Jed and mark charged him but were instantly flung across the hall. Even Henry tried to stop him but just ended up getting his neck snapped.

I tried to pry his hands off my neck but he was too strong even for me. I could feel myself giving up, wanting to let him kill me, let him end it all. I never wanted to live in the first place and when I did die I didn't want to come back. I don't understand why I didn't let myself die that day.

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