Chapter 8

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Josie POV

I slowly opened my eyes to the morning sun beaming into the room. I looked around to see Hope who was still a wolf. I ran my hands through her beautiful coat. She was fast asleep so I decided to go get some breakfast and let her sleep. I quietly got dressed in some of hopes clothes before leaving. I shut the door and headed towards the cafeteria.

"Hey JoJo" I instinctively role my eyes realizing who was speaking to me. "What do you want Satan" I scoff. She walks beside me into to caf. "Just wanted to see how your dog was doing" she laughs. "Hopes not a dog" I start to raise my voice. "Whatever you say Jo" Penelope smirks then walks off. Ugh finally.

I grabbed some food and headed back to Hopes room. I open the door and see Hope was back to normal but still curled up. I felt my face heat up seeing she had no clothes on so I covered Hope with blankets. She still had blood on her back and sides from the fight last night. But didn't want to wake her up since she had such a rough night. I took the chance to jump in the shower.

Hope POV

My eyes slowly open but Josie isn't next to me. I sit up fast and look around the room in a panic. I jump out of bed and quickly get dressed. I was about to go search for Josie when I suddenly caught her scent. I immediately calmed down after smelling her sweet strawberry shampoo. Only a few seconds later Josie walks out drying her hair with a towel. All she had on was my hoodie. I vamp sped into her arms hugging her as tight as I could.

I held her for a few minutes before letting go. "You weren't next to me when I woke up and I got scared something happened to you" I finally say still holding her in my arms. I slowly let go of Josie and she smiles at me. "I'm okay Hope don't worry" she says.

She finished getting ready when there was a knock at the door. "Hope we need to talk, open up" Alaric's voice comes through the door. I looked at Josie and sighed before opening the door.

He looked surprised when he saw Josie standing next to me. "Oh Josie, your here too. I need to have a quick chat with Hope, can you leave us for a moment" he says gesturing to Josie. She nodded and walked out giving me one last look as she left.

"There's been a possible hybrid attack a few towns over and sheriff Donovan has asked that we take a look at it. It's been three weeks, your resting period is over. I need you, the twins, Mg and Kaleb and before you say anything Roman is coming too" Alaric finishes. "What, why" I say angrily. "Because he has experience with this type of thing. By which I mean hybrids. So pack your things, we head out tomorrow morning" I glare at him as he talks. "But he helped kill my-" Alaric interrupted me. "Hope enough. He's going and that's final" he snaps at me and leaves.

I shut the door and I punched a hole in my wall using all my strength. A few seconds later Josie walked in. "Hey, so what did y'all talk ab-" Josie paused when she saw giant the hole. I was sitting on the floor at this point just staring off into space. "What happened" she says kneeling down in front of me.  I didn't answer, instead I just got up and grabbed a hoodie. "I need to run, Don't wait up" I say as I walk out.

When I made it outside I didn't wait. I started to turn and sprinted on all fours towards the woods. I ran for hours not looking back. I needed to get my anger out and this was exactly what I needed. The cold wind was blowing through my coat. I felt free and and unbothered by my emotions. Soon the moon was rising and I knew I'd been running all day. I headed back to the school and turned, putting my hoodie on.

I walked through the school and made it to my room. I opened the door and saw Josie was fast asleep. I felt bad for just leaving her here but I didn't want to put her in danger like the other night. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out pretty fast and changed into some shorts and a sports bra.

When I opened the bathroom door Josie was sitting up on the bed, looking kind of sad. "Hey..sorry I didn't mean to wake you" I say walking over to her. "Why did you just leave me like that" Josie spoke. I looked at her eyes and saw they were starting to fill with tears. "I'm sorry....I-I didn't want to risk you getting hurt" I say quietly. "Hope! You can't just do that. I'm your mate too and it hurt when you just left me behind" she says as tears fall down her face. I quickly sit beside her and grab her into my arms. "Im sorry Jo. I won't leave you again I promise" I say wiping her tears away. Even though I haven't marked her yet, I could still feel her sadness and it definitely hurt seeing her like this. I hated that my mate was sad. It hurts me more than anything.

"I love you more than anything Josie and I will do anything to make you happy" I whisper in her ear and she tightens her hold on me. "I love you too" she says into my neck. I finally let go and we get under the covers. I wrap my arms around her once more and she buries her face in my chest. "Hope, what happened with my dad earlier" I hear her say.

"We're being forced on a road trip tomorrow with Lizzie and the others ex" I sigh. Josie's face pops up and looks at me. "What ex" she says concerned. "Remember Roman?" I reply. "Well he's not sitting next to you in the car" Josie says angrily and I let out a small giggle. "Don't worry I hate him. Plus he's nothing compared to you, beautiful" I say while giving Josie a kiss. She relaxes and snuggles back into my embrace. She started planting kisses along my collarbone forcing me to let out a low moan. She moved lower and bit down on my boob and sucked leaving a mark.

"Josie" I laugh. "What? I have to claim my property so RoMaN knows your taken" Josie says leaving another hickey on my chest. "Goodnight beautiful" I whisper. Josie answers by kissing my neck one last time then snuggles back into my arms.

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