Chapter 3

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Hope POV

I woke up to movement on my bed. My room was dark and cold as I focused my eyes. Josie was fast asleep a few inches from my face..

There was a thick silence as Josie and I made eye contact. "Morning Jo." I was able to get out. "Good morning Hope..." she paused, "Could we maybe hang out today?" She blurted out. "You want to hang out with me?" I asked with a confused look. "Of course, I mean we don't have classes today and I don't wanna leave you alone right now" She says.

I thought for a second before answering. To be honest I didn't want to be alone but I also didn't want to hurt her again. I let out a sigh "Sure....what should we do". A smile appeared on Josie's face as soon as I said that.

"Can I see your wolf" she asked. "What.....why" I asked a little shocked. "I don't know I've never seen someone turn let alone seen a werewolf. So why not" she says.

"I bet your wolf is beautiful too" Josie says making me blush. I get up and grab a
larger hoodie, larger than the one I was currently wearing, from my dresser then walked towards Josie. I grab her hand as I pull her out the door way.

Josie POV

Hope grabs my hand and led me out of the school to the woods. "Where are we going" I asked. "I can't turn near the school" Hope says as we walk deeper into the woods. She was still holding my hand and it made me a little happy. We had been walking for about ten minutes until Hope stopped.

"This should be far enough" Hope says putting a hoodie on the ground. "So now what" I asked looking at hope. She started to strip taking off her clothes. She just had a sports bra on on now. "Just stand there and don't freak out. please" she says taking her shorts off too. "Why would I freak ou-" Before I could finish my sentence Hopes eyes turn yellow and she falls on her hands and knees. "HOPE" I yell. Her bones start to break as she whimpered. As Hope started to turn into a wolf her eyes flickered blue for a split second before they went back to yellow.

After a few more bones snapped it was over and her wolf was absolutely beautiful. I stared in awe at her white fur. "Can I pet you" I asked. Hope walked over to me and laid down by my feet. I knelt down on my knees and started messing with her soft ears. Hopes tail started wagging, she whined and looked up at me. "What" I asked confused. She moved her head down to the ground. "Oh do you want me to get on your back" I questioned.

She nodded her snout so I climbed onto her white coat. She was so soft and warm. I held on tight as Hope ran through the woods.

After what could have been hours, it was getting dark so Hope started running back towards the school. We slowed down when we got back to the tree with her clothes. Hope knelt down so I could get off, she then walked behind a large tree and I heard her bones crack again.

Hope POV

I shifted back and quickly put my hoodie on. I walked over to Josie and realized it was fully dark outside. "Ready to go back" I say looking at Josie. "Yep" she replies with a cute smile. We were walking back to the school when I felt weak and I started to stumble. "Hey are you okay" Josie asks with a concerned look. "Yeah I'm fine, just tired" I say. She nodded and an awkward silence grew over them at they continued.

"what are mates?" Josie randomly asks breaking the tension. I felt my face heat up at her question. "Umm.....a mate is the other half of a werewolf. Their soul mate per-say, once you find your mate you can't live without them. Every wolf has one." I explain as we walked. "So do you have a mate" Josie asks and I stop walking. "No....I'm the only one of my kind so I don't think it applies to me, I don't get a mate. I think it's nature's way of punishing me." I say looking at the ground.

"Is there no way for you to find one. What if you turned someone? They'd only be a hybrid but still-" Josie asks. "I tried that once but he was only sires them to me but I don't think I can just make a soulmate". A few tears escaped my eyes thinking about him. It's my fault he died, all he wanted was to be stronger then his bullies.

I felt Josie slide her hand into mine and she pulled me along. "Come on its getting late". Her hand was comforting and warm.

We finally got to school and headed to my room. When we got inside I grabbed some shorts and quickly put them on. Josie looked a little awkward. "Do you wanna stay here again tonight? We can watch a movie or something" I say. "Yeah sure. But I need to go get changed. I'll be right back" Josie says before walking out of room.

I still felt really weak and then it hit me. I haven't eaten today. Still not used to this whole drink blood everyday thing. I was about to go to the kitchen to get a blood bag or two but then Josie returned. "Hey I'm back. Oh Are you leaving?" she asked. "I was just-Uh. Nothing." Josie just gives me a look. "Well I stopped by the kitchen and grabbed a few blood bags for you. Since you probably didn't eat today. Also I didn't know what your preference was so..." she says handing me four bags. I let out a playful laugh and we both sat down on my bad. "Thank you Jo. O- is my favorite by the way" I say downing the bags.

Josie watched me closely as I drank my fill. "What's it like- you know, consuming blood" Josie breaks the silence. I stop drinking and look at her "it's different... but it makes me feel stronger I guess". She leans closer to me on the bed. "What's my blood taste like" she says and I choke. "Uhh...well you uhhh. Your O- so you kinda tasted amazing" I stutter. Josie smiled like she enjoyed my answer. "What movie do you want to watch" I say changing the subject.

"Ooo find something scary" Josie says all excited. We started watching scream and Josie scooted closer to me. I finished drinking the rest of my blood bag while we watched. Mid way through the movie Josie was partly leaning on me and I could hear her heart beating.

Her smell was intoxicating and I started to loose control. My vampire side was coming out and it wanted to feed on her. "Hope are you okay" Josie asks. "I-I'm fine" I say trying to hide my eyes. Josie sat up and looked at me "your eyes". I quickly close my them so I wouldn't scare her. "I'm sorry you just smell...really good and I'm still hungry" I say trying to regain control.

I feel Josie put her palms on my face "it's okay Hope". She shifts on the bed so that she's behind me and makes me lean my back on her. "What are you doing" I ask. "Here, you can drink from me till your hunger goes away" she whispers in my ear. I gently hold her wrist up to my mouth. I hesitated for a moment before sinking my teeth into her skin.

She tasted so good. Her blood was sweet and unlike anything I've ever had. She had wrapped her body around me and was holding me as I drank. Her grip started to feel weak and I quickly snapped out of it and stopped drinking. "Hey hey, Josie are you okay" I ask. "Yep I'm fine just a little tired" she says with a slight smile.

I licked her wrist before shifting my position onto my side so that she was still holding me. I felt her head rest on the top of mine and my eyes started to close.

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