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Third person's POV

Jisoo and jennie they both were standing outside the doctor's lab. They're waiting for their turn to go in and talk to the doctor about jennie's present condition. Suddenly a tall and blonde haired boy came and said, "Hello,I'm doctor's assistant. Now it's your turn to talk to the doctor." Then they both went inside. They saw a blonde haired girl, wearing a apron was standing beside the window. Then the girl came to them and greeted, "Hi, I'm doctor Park Chaeyoung."

"Hello doctor, I'm jisoo and this is jennie." Jisoo smiled.

"Sit here." The doctor said and they sat down.

"So, what's the problem?" Doctor asked.

"It's about some nightmares. I can't sleep alone. Whenever I sleep alone I saw the same nightmare." Jennie said.

"What you see in your dreams?" Doctor park asked.

"A dark street, two girls. One laying on the street and another one writing something using a sharp knife on the back of the girl laying on the street." Jennie replied and started trembling.

Jisoo hugged jennie and tried to comfort her.

Rosé was shocked after hearing what the girl said. She looked at bambam (rosé's assistant) and they shared a confused look.

"Did you ever see the faces of that two girls?" Rosé asked.

"No." Jennie shook her head.

"When did you start having this nightmare?" rosé asked.

"Two years back."

"Any particular date?"

"27th M...March." Jennie started shaking. She was breathing too fast.

"Calm down jen. It's okay." Jisoo tried to comfort her.

"You remember any memory about that day?" Rosé asked. She was so shocked. Because 27th march was the date when lisa died. And it was lisa's birthday also.

Jennie shook her head. "No, I forgot two years from my life including that particular night."

Rosé then took a pen and a paper. She wrote there the name of some important medicines. "Take it. These medicines will help you to sleep well without having a nightmare."

"Thank you doctor park." Jisoo said and stood up with jennie to leave the lab.


Jisoo looked at the doctor in confusion.

"This is my card. There is my number. If she again has the same nightmare then kindly inform me."

Jisoo nodded and took the card. After that jisoo and jennie left the lab.

Rosé's POV

27th MARCH...lisa went out with this girl that night. Since then, I was looking for this girl. And now she came here for my support. And she forgot two years from her life. And lisa forgot what happened that night. Rosé thought in her mind.

"She was the same girl, right?" Suddenly bambam asked.

I nodded.

"Could it not be that this girl killed lisa?"

"I don't know."

"You don't wanna know?"

"I want to know. And that's why I didn't give her the right medicines."


"Chaeyoung-yaah, you know what? Today I saw a girl. And I think now I believe in love at first sight." lisa pouted.

"Are you serious? A cold person like you fall for a girl?" I smirked.

"Hey...I'm a playful girl."

"Just in front of me."

"You're so mean."

I then smiled at her cuteness. "Now tell me who the girl was?"

"I don't know. I haven't asked her name."

"What? You're so stupid."

"Ahaa...wait and watch. I'll make her mine." Lisa winked.

"Okay okay." I smirked.

*2 months later.*

"Chaeyoung-yaah, tonight I'm going on a date with her. I mean jennie."

"What? Really? Jennie is okay with it?"

"Yes." lisa smiled.

"You never show me her face." I pouted.

"You wanna see her?" Lisa asked.

"Yeap..."I smiled.

Then lisa show me a picture.

"So you showed your face to her

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"So you showed your face to her." I teased her.

"Don't tease me. I love her and she also loves me. That's why I show her my face."

"Today is your birthday. And for the first time you are not going to celebrate your birthday with me and bambam..huh...I'm upset." I pouted

"I promise, I'll end the date early and celebrate my birthday with you and bambam as well."

But lisa did not return as a human being.

*Flashback Ended*

"Where is lisa?" I mumbled looking around the whole lab.

"In her room." Bambam said.

"I don't think so." I said.


"She was here when we were talking with jennie and jisoo." I said.

"Really? But how did you know that?" He asked in confusion.

"She is my soulmate. I can feel her presence. And now she is not here. And also not in her room."

"I didn't get it."

"Whatever. Go and make some thai food for me." I said and he went away.


Hanbin was fully ready to kill jisoo. He was following jisoo and jennie. He was waiting for the perfect time. And there was also a third eye who was following hanbin's every steps.


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