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Jisoo's POV

Me and jennie was walking on the road. I asked her to wait for a taxi but she didn't agree. I was thinking about the doctor. I think I saw her before also. But where? Whatever, why jennie is so quite rn? I thought in my mind.

"Jen, are you okay?"


"Are you sure?"


"Jen, you're not listening to me." I said but she was still walking without looking at me.

[2 minutes later...]

"I think I saw the doctor before." Jennie suddenly spoke.

"I think the same. But where?"

"You think the same?"

"Yeah...I guess, I saw her before also."

"Whatever unnie, I'm thinking of that girl. I mean the girl with white cap and black mask. I want to find that girl."

My heart skipped a beat when jennie said that. "But why?" I asked with a low voice.

"I don’t know."

"You want to eat something?" I changed the topic.


"What? You hate dumplings, right?"

"Yeah. But I want to eat dumplings rn." She pouted.

"You’re so weird." I smiled.

"Huh...lisa, you're not here but still jennie is thinking about you. She forgot two years but still she hasn’t forgotten you yet. Why the heck!!? And where the heck you are lisa!!? Come and get your girl. Because I'm too jealous. I hate whenever she started talking about you. But I'm not selfish. I will never force jennie for giving me the same love she has for you." I thought in my mind and sighed.

Third person's POV

Hanbin was following them. He stopped walking when he saw jennie and jisoo stopped in front of a restaurant. They went inside and he started waiting outside for them to come out from the restaurant.

[Inside the restaurant]

Jennie and jisoo sat on the corner of the restaurant. There was nobody except for them. Suddenly a girl came to them.

"Hi, I'm Wendy. I'm the owner of this restaurant." The girl smiled.

Jennie and jisoo also smiled.

"Hey, you're jennie, right?" Wendy asked looking at jennie. Jisoo got confused.

"Yeah. But how do you know my name?" Jennie asked back in surprise.

"You used to come here with a girl. And we three used to talk also. Don’t you remember?" Wendy asked back.

"With a girl?" Jennie also got confused.

"Yeah. I don’t know her name. Because you two never told me her name. But one thing I remember is, whenever you came here with her she wore a white cap and a black mask." Wendy replied.

"When I used to come here with that girl?" Jennie asked.

"Two years back. You forgot everything?" Wendy asked confusedly.

Jisoo looked at wendy and gestured her not to ask anything. Wendy nodded.

"Did she came here again in these two years?" Jennie asked.

"No." Wendy shook her head.

"We want dumplings." Jisoo changed the topic.

"Okay. Wait a little." Wendy said and left.

[10 minutes later.... ]

Wendy came with dumpings and placed it on the table.

"If I'm not wrong then It's just 8 p.m. Then why your restaurant is empty? There are no people on the street also. Why is this road secluded?" Jisoo asked looking at wendy.

"It is city road. You never heard anything about this road?" Wendy smiled awkwardly.

"No." Jennie and jisoo both shook their heads.

"That's why you two are here at this time." Wendy said with a low voice.

"Is anything wrong here? Why people don't come here at night?" Jennie asked.

"People say there are strange things on this street. Many people have strayed from this road at night and never come back."

"City road? Unnie isn’t it the same road from where inspector kim found chacha's bag?" Jennie asked looking at jisoo.

Jisoo nodded.

"It means chacha will never come back? It means what I saw in my dream was true?" Jennie said and almost started crying.

"Jen, calm down. Everything will be fine." Jisoo tried to comfort jennie.

"Aren’t you afraid to stay here at night?" Jisoo asked looking at wendy.

"No. It’s my job. I have to do it." Wendy smiled awkwardly.

[30 minutes later...]

"We have to go now." Jisoo said to wendy and stood up.

"Be careful." Wendy smiled.

Then jensoo bid goodbye to wendy and left the restaurant.

Hanbin saw them coming out of the restaurant. He was fully ready with a sharp knife in his hand. When he was about to run towards jisoo someone pushed him from the behind and he fell down on the street. He immediately looked back and saw no one. He got scared. He thought of that powerful soul that helps jennie every time. He started trembling. Suddenly someone slapped him on his face and took his knife from this hand. It was too fast that he couldn’t even saw who did that. "I came here to kill jisoo. I'm not going to hurt jennie. Please leave me." He almost cried. Then someone stabbed him in the back and he screamed in pain. He looked up and saw someone sitting on a big tree. It was a girl wearing black dress. Hanbin saw her face and teeth and got scared. "Is it a vampire?" He thought in his mind. However he stood up and started running. And lisa started following him.

[20 minutes later.....]

Hanbin stopped running in front of a big house and went inside.

He went to a specific room and locked the door. But lisa was watching everything from the window.

"Boss." Hanbin said.

"You killed jisoo or not?" Someone spoke.

Lisa wanted to see the face of that person. But the room was too dark. So she couldn’t see the person's face. But the voice she heard was a voice of a girl.

"Sorry boss. I couldn’t kill her." Hanbin said. He was breathing too fast. Blood was falling from his back.

"Your two days are over. Now be ready. Because you're going to die rn." The girl spoke.

"Stop boss. Please listen to me. I'm not weak. But I can't fight with a shadow or a powerful soul or a vampire."

"What the heck are you saying? Are you out of your mind?"

"No. I'm saying the truth. Every time that shadow saves jennie. Today I was ready to kill jisoo but again that shadow came and saved jisoo."

"A shadow?"

"Yeah, maybe a vampire. Look, my back is bleeding. That vampire did it."

"Shadow or vampire?"

"Vampire I guess."

"Do I look like a fool? Vampires do not exist in this word."

"I swear boss, it was a vampire. Please trust me." Hanbin started crying.

"Only one person can turn someone into a vampire." The girl said.

Lisa was hearing their conversation. She became curious to know the person's name who can turn someone into a vampire.

"Who?" Hanbin asked.



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