The Introduction

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The roaring crowd in the stadium fell silent at once. All eyes were glued to the new entrance. That evening, the huge stadium was a host for millions of souls-at the moment all frozen. Suspended in time.

Terrorized by the possibilities and also excited by the revelation and anticipation to 'know the unknown'.

All eyes were keenly fixated on the dark shadowy figure slowly approaching the white marble stage which was placed in the heart of the stadium.

As soon as the figure was illuminated, a sparkling bright light dazzled throughout the stadium and blinded the crowd temporarily. The people let out small grunts in irritation. When the initial shock of the blinding light faded, hands were removed from people's eyes- what lay before them was simply a work of art. A creation so subtle and mesmerizing in all its beauty. The creation of God. An extremely elegant young girl took the center stage.

Usually by this time the stadium would have been filled with whoops and whistles of joy and laughter. But instead, there was something else lurking in the air of the stadium. Something which usually never was- silence.

Not a whisper or a breath. Just complete silence ringing throughout the stadium.

The girl was dressed in a gorgeous flowing white gown. It had laces round the edges and sparkling glitter on the collars and at the very bottom, topping off with a frill. Her silky ash-brown hair had been drawn up in a bun and a few curls were left loose to sit around at the back of her neck. A blue as light as the sky coated both her eyelids with slight sparkle at the ends. Her perfectly clear skin and youthful beauty made it easy to assess her age- about seventeen. Her full lips were soft and tender- they were mild and innocent. Vulnerable to some extent because they were trembling in the slightest. They were beautiful, dipped in a soothing hue of baby pink. Every bit of her exposed skin spoke of luxury. The sparkling and laced sleeves of her flowing gown were carefully wrapped around her delicate arms. The breathtaking material of her gown flowing down the length of her slender legs and magnificent crystal stilettos perfectly fitted onto her heavenly feet.

When she lifted up her eyelids, two brilliant hazel colored pupils sat back staring at the crowd with mixed glint of fear, interest and hope. Afraid of where she truly belonged and hopeful for her wishes to be acknowledged. Interested and keen to know the outcome and result...because today is the day.

The day she had been waiting for, took so long to come by. But this is the end of all her waiting. Today is the day her fate will be decided. She will truly know where she belongs.

Or will she?

She slowly approached the huge stage in the center of the gigantic stadium. On the stage lay a table, and on that table lay her future.

An average sized metal box was kept on the small circular wooden table in the middle of the stage. A square cut out on the surface of it. The shiny edges of the box gleaming frighteningly. As if they were here to shred her hands into pieces. But it looked nothing like that. It was just a simple metal box with a shiny steel surface.

But it was also the same metal box which will just decide the girl's life.

She placed her trembling palm on the steel box and then there was a pause. A long one. Thousands of thoughts rushed through the girl's mind at the speed of lightning. Without a halt, all together, never ending. A sharp sound and a bright red light from the box brought her back to reality. The girl opened the lid of the box silently to draw out a black envelope. She pulled out a white piece slip from within the envelope.

"Peace. Emily Peace."

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