1. □Just another pretty angel~part 1 (Frank Iero)

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●angst but with a happy ending
●set in high school

Frank's POV

My fingers are playing an unkown tune on the guitar. I just have to get away from all the stress that I've been going through. At this point, a fucking guitar is my best friend, my only friend actually. My mind is flying to that girl again. Fuck, I don't even know her name. She's been nice to me one time and now all my thoughts are about her. I don't know why. I don't want to admit it, though, but I may or may not have a thing for her. God, I'm stupid.

I'm trying to concentrate on playing but worries come all at once again. It seems like if I don't think about her, all the dark thoughts come flooding out.

My mom is almost never around anymore. Not that I would've talked to her anyway. She has enough worries of her own. But it would been nice to have someone- anyone to talk to.
I feel like this is too much for me to handle. The second band I tried to start- who the fuck am I kidding- it wasn't going to get anywhere. I'm just a waste of space and oxygen. What am I gonna do after I finish high school?...

Gonna go to college, become one of those stuck up people who only care about money and themselves. I really don't wanna do that to myself. I wanna make a difference. I wanna matter...

...but most probably I'll be a college drop out, living on my own in a small apartment- that is if I will be lucky enough to afford a place of my own- eating chips and playing this fucking guitar all day long. Just another fuck up. And probably the saddest thing- I'll die alone.

Angry, I drop the instrument on my bed and search my pockets for a cigarette. I know I promised to myself that I'll quit but right now I really need one.
Oh, this is just great. I can't find any.
I check the time and sigh.

I take enough money, put on an old band shirt and head out to buy some.

As soon as I step out of the house, I start sneezing. Fuck allergies and fuck spring.

I bury my hands in my pockets and- oh God there she is. Looking as radiant as ever. Even though she isn't even wearing makeup, and she's only dressed in some worn out jeans and a simple black tee she is still stunning.
When I look at her again, I see that she is walking in the same store I wanted to go to. Well, might as well say hi to her. Assuming she'll recognize me and not immediatly run away.

But as soon as I enter the store, I can see her hugging some other guy. Why am I feeling this way goddammit? She is not even my friend to begin with...
I can't say I'm jealous. I'm not. I'm just...sad I guess. Sad that I even thought of her. As i walk to the cash register, all I do is argue with my mind. Begging myself to stop thinking about her. How she always seems to be smiling and being the complete opposite of me. How I've seen her wearing shirts of bands that I've come to love because of her. We've only spoken one time, when she helped me on a test once, but even whispered, her voice was gold. I bet she's a damn good singer. What I'd do to spend nights with her, me playing the guitar for her, while she sings... and then w- NO! Stop it, Frank, dammit.

I can see her approaching me, with a bag of chips in her hand. She's smiling brightly at me. The corners of my mouth twitch into a shy smile. Fuck it, Frank, pull yourself together.

"Hi! Frank, right?" did she just? Did she just talk to me? I turn to her and give her a confused look.

"Hi, I'm y-yeah, I am. How do you know my name?"i stuttered. God, I'm stupid. Now she's gonna run away and I'll never-

"Well I mean.. I heard teachers and other people from around the school call you that so I just- I figured that's your name. I'm (Y/N), by the way."

She looks like an absolute angel. Damn, I could look at her for centuries and I still wouldn't get tired.

"Um.. nice to meet you...(Y/N)..."

Why. the fuck. am i. so shy.
She smiles and I swear the sun would be jealous of the light she brings when she does that.

We split up at the entrance of the shop, cause she had to find her "friend that's roaming around unsupervised". So that guy was just a friend? I might have a shot with her?

I go back to my place with a lighter heart and a slight smile on my face. I can't remember the last time I actually smiled. I sigh deeply and search for the cigarette pack I just bought. Aaand...I fogot them.

Sighing frustratedly, I turn around, hoping (Y/N) won't be there so I won't have to bring her another reason to think I'm just a loser.
But of course, (Y/N) is still there, in front of the shop. With my cigarettes. Well fuck.

"Forgot something?"she says, teasingly, with a wide grin on her face.

I smile sheepishly.
"Yeah, I was just so deep in thought I forgot about them"

She smiles too and hands them to me.
"Well... see you around" she says, still smiling, looking somewhat shy.
Good God she is cute.

I wave at her awkwardly and as soon as we split up yet again, I take out a cigarette, but something on the pack catches my eye. Something that wasn't there before. A number. Her number.

Grinning like a total idiot, I save it on my phone.

Maybe life won't be that bad... Maybe it was just my mind that was playing tricks on me...

A/N there is going to be a part 2 of this when I feel like it

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