
365 15 6

Date: May 17

Time until death: 14 days

"Koushi, can you help me for a second?" Sugawara turned away from the ball he had been about to pick up and looked at Daichi. "Sure, I'll be right there." He said. After putting the volleyball in the cart he walked over. "What's up, Samawura?" He said. Daichi shifted his weight between his feet for a second, then looked up and said, "I saw how close Noya-kun and Asahi-san got and I wanted to do that too..." He looked slightly uncomfortable. "Samawura, are you asking to meet me at your house at 7?" Relieved that Suga had understood, he nodded. "Yeah...that'd be pretty nice." "Then absolutely, I will." He pecked Daichi on the cheek and walked off, leaving the team's captain extremely red faced.

After practice that afternoon, Kiyoko was walking home when she got a phone call from Sugawara. As she picked it up, she heard his frantic voice saying, "Kiyoko-san please I really need your help I'm going on a date with Daichi and I have no idea what I'm doing this is my first date!" Well, that took a second to process. He talks fast when he's panicky. Thank god I talked to Daichi before this. "Um, just do your thing. Trust me, a certain someone is just as nervous as you are. Meet him at his house and go enjoy the date like planned." She heard a deep sigh on the other end. "Okay." He responded, "I will."

Well, that was easy. Suga pressed the button on the door of Daichi's house and heard it reverberate through the halls. A few footsteps later, Daichi was at the door slightly out of breath and greeted Suga with a smile. "Hey Koushi, you, uh, look great." Awkward... "Thanks, uh, what are we doing?" "Oh! Uh, stargazing." Suga smiled. "Let's go."

The stars were beautiful that night. Almost as beautiful as Suga, Daichi thought, but stars last forever, and time is short. Time is always short.

Then again, even the stars will eventually die. Like Asahi and Suga, and me, and everyone I love and care about.

I wish that this moment could last forever. Just stop time right here. Time. What even is time? It's just numbers, but those numbers are oh so important to me, and so crucial to life. It's like a beaded necklace. All strung together, everything connected by some thread, and sometimes you lose the beads, but the thread is always there. Don't let the beads fall.

"Sawamura look, a shooting star!"

Make a wish.

I wish for Asahi to live. If he lives, and he is happy and Noya is happy and Suga and Kiyoko are happy, then I won't complain. Make my life hell, that's fine. Just let him survive, please, I want him to survive, because if he survives everything will somehow be okay again.

So we need to make him live. He'll live because we will make him live, we'll grab him from the jaws of death, we'll walk through hell and back, just to let him live, and to make Noya happy.

As Daichi looked at his soulmate, he saw Suga wishing the exact same thing.

The stars were indeed beautiful.

There were 13 days left in May.
Daichi would help Nishinoya be happy again by working to save Asahi's life.

Even if time runs out (DaiSuga and AsaNoya soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now