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March 3rd, 1997.

GIGI GOODE, was your typical sixteen year old, if not, even better. She was gorgeous. She had beautiful, long, black hair which she usually had thrown up in a bun, or perfectly curled. She was the 'it' girl of the school, she was popular, friends with literally everyone, had amazing grades and was surprisingly really sweet.

Moving on to her best friends. Jaida Essence Hall, wow how to describe Jaida? She's beautiful, an actual goddess, she has gorgeous brown hair down to her shoulders, she can be a bit bitchy, but is a really good friend.

Shea Coulee, Shea is stunning, actually very funny and sweet, she could pull off wearing a potato sack if she had to. These three girls, specifically known as 'The Barbie's' were worshipped at Juno High.

Crystal was snapped out of her thoughts by a hand being waved across her face. "Hello? Earth to Crystal?" Jackie said, trying to get her friends attention. "Huh?-" Crystal replied, shaking her head. "Are you going to Jaida's party Saturday?" Jackie asked, impatiently. Crystal nodded. "Okay, good," Jackie smiled.

Crystal was about to say something until.. "Hey guys!" a rather pitchy girl chirped walking up to them. "Hey, Jan!" Jackie laughed. Jan was a rather happy girl, very kind. She had her long blonde hair thrown up in a high pony, she was wearing a beautiful, purple, tank top and a simple, black skirt, completed with a pair of purple, leveled sneakers. Jan was  great but, Crystal only had one issue with her.. she was Gigi Goode's girlfriend.

Crystal snapped out of her thoughts again, completely missing Jan and Jackies whole conversation. "See you both at the party, I have to go find Gigi!" Jan added, before giving Jackie and Crystal a hug and walking away.

"She's sweet," Jackie remarked. "Hmm? Oh.. yeah, she is," Crystal stated. "Wait, two minutes J, I need to go get something from my locker," Crystal spoke before walking away, leaving Jackie on her own. Crystal was walking through the hallways with her head down, that was until she was knocked onto the floor.

"I am so sorry!" someone apologised, Crystal slowly looked up.. Gigi Goode.
"Are you okay?" Gigi asked holding out her hand. Crystal took her hand and stood up. "I'm fine," Crystal laughed.
"I'm Gianna Goode, but you can call me Gigi," Gigi introduced herself with a smile. Crystal laughed, "I know who you are, I'm Crystal. Crystal Methyd," Crystal replied.

To say Gigi looked beautiful was an understatement. She had on a pair of dark red pleather pants, that fit perfectly around her waist, a black tube top and a pair of black stiletto heels. Her hair was tied up in a tight pony. She looked breathtaking.

"You look.. great," Crystal complimented her, still taking in her beauty. "Awh, thank you! You look nice," Gigi smiled. Crystal knew Gigi only complimented her so she didn't seem rude. Crystal didn't look 'nice', she looked basic. She had her hair in a tight mullet, like always, she had on a pair of acid washed denim jeans with a matching denim jacket and underneath a white crop top and a pair of white converse.

Crystal faked a smile. "There you are!" Jan beamed, walking up to Gigi. "Hey, Crystal!". Crystal was enjoying her moment with Gigi, so she was pretty annoyed Jan showed up. "Hey," Crystal muttered. "Were you looking for me?" Gigi laughed giving Jan a kiss on the cheek. Crystal stood there awkwardly.

After a few minutes, Crystal finally spoke. "Uhm.. I'm going to go, I told Jackie I'd be back in two minutes, I'll see you guys later?" Crystal spoke. "Oh, okay. See you later Crys!" Gigi chirped.

Crystal was flustered. Why was Gigi giving her a nickname when they only met today? Are they friends? What does the nickname mean? Does she have a nickname for everyone?..

/// Heyy! Sorry it's pretty bad...
If i get more than like... 20 reads,
I'll plan on doing chapter two 😭

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