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Thursday, March 6th 5:00pm

SCHOOL was pretty uneventful, just an average day. Crystal and Daya broke up earlier that day, it didn't really bother Crystal since she still liked Gigi. It still sucked though.

Gigi and Jan have been fighting for the past ten minutes, because Jan told everyone about Gigi's nose job. "You had no right to tell them, Jan!" Gigi yelled. "For the fucking LAST time Gianna, it slipped out! I didn't mean to say it!" Jan yelled back. "No wonder no one tells you their secrets, you can't keep your mouth shut for two fucking minutes!" Gigi shouted. Jan had enough of it.

"Well Gianna, no wonder no one likes you, you're just as bad as everyone else! You're a horrible person, you only care about yourself, you think you're queen b! All you are is just a fake ass bitch, who's full of plastic and fakes all her feelings!" Jan snapped. Gigi stood there with her mouth wide open. "..shit, Gigi, I'm sorry- i didn't mean it, I'm sorry, please-" Jan pleaded, her eyes tearing up. "Fuck you, Jan," Gigi said coldly then slammed the door getting into her car and driving away.

Jan threw a vase at the door and sat on the floor and started to sob. She cried for about twenty minutes, then she pulled out her phone and rang someone. "Hello?" Jackie said answering the phone, she could her the girls sobs through the line "Jan?? What's wrong!?"Jackie asked her voice thick with worry. Jan told her about everything that happened that night, "like, i didn't mean to say all of that, Jackie. I really didn't!" Jan cried. "It'll be okay, Jan. She'll forgive you, she always does," Jackie reassured Jan. "Yeah, you're right. Thank you." Jan sniffled.

Crystal was watching her TV, until she heard a knock on the door. Crystal opened the door, Gigi showing up at her doorstep sobbing was the last thing she expected to happen on a Thursday night. "Gigi? Are you okay? What happened? Come in!," Crystal rambled letting Gigi into her house. They sat on the sofa and Gigi just cried into her hands. Crystal rubbed her back not knowing what to do. "What happened?" Crystal asked softly. Gigi told her about everything that happened. "Awh, Gigi.." Crystal cooed, pulling Gigi into a hug. Gigi sobbed into the hug. "I don't know what to do Crystal," she cried.

"Do you want to stay for the night?" Crystal asked. "Yes please," Gigi nodded. "Okay, you stay right there, make yourself comfortable, I'll find something for you to wear," Crystal smiled and walked upstairs. She came back down with a sweatpants and a oversized tshirt. "Here," Crystal called, throwing the clothes over to Gigi. "The bathroom is down the hall, take a right and it should be the second room, you can get changed there," she added. "Thank you," Gigi replied before going to get changed.

The girls sat downstairs for the rest of the night, eating ice cream and binging TV.

// Hehe, i hope you enjoyed this! :)
I'm writing Jaidas party tomorrow, so stay tuneddd!! ❤️

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