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Saturday, March 13th, 2004

Gigi and Crystal left Jan's house early since Gigi had plans made. "Where are we going?" Crystal asked. "Be patient, and you'll see," Gigi answered. Gigi had pulled up at a restaurant. The restaurant was huge, it looked expensive, it had black walls with gold pillars and a gold carpet leading to the entrance. "Gigi.. this looks expensive," Crystal spoke, clearly shocked. "Yeah, it is," Gigi nodded, not sounding bothered.

The girls went in and sat at a table, Gigi had already made reservations. They sat in the back, by a window that had a gorgeous view of New York City. The waiter came and gave them a menu. "Gigi, the food is really expensive.. I can't afford this," Crystal sighed. "No, silly! I'm paying," Gigi chirped. "Thank you," Crystal smiled.

The waiter took their orders and they got their food twenty minutes later. "So, what do you have planned?" Crystal asked, taking a sip of her ice cold water. "You'll see," Gigi smirked. "Not fair! Why won't you tell me?" Crystal complained. Gigi laughed and continued eating her food. The girls talked for a bit and ate their food.

They finally left the restaurant and Crystal complained the whole car ride. "Geege, where are we going?" Crystal asked for the hundred time. "Crystal, for the last time- wait!" Gigi snapped. "Sorry.." Crystal muttered. They drove in peace, except from Crystal whispering the lyrics to songs, here and then. They got out of the car. "A cherry blossom tree?" Crystal asked, looking at Gigi. "Yeah!" Gigi smiled. "Okay," Crystal giggled.

Gigi took Crystals hand and walked up to the beautiful, cherry blossom tree. Crystal sat on the grass and Gigi sat in her lap. "I'm so happy you're back, Gigi," Crystal smiled. "Me too," Gigi nodded. "Crys, can i ask you something?" She asked. "Go ahead," Crystal nodded. Gigi stood up and told Crystal to also stand up, so she could hold Crystals hands.

"Crystal, I love you.. so much. These seven years without you have been so bad, you're my best friend, i shouldn't have blamed you for all the shit that happened to me, since you were the only good thing in my life, you still are. I'm always at my best when I'm with you, so I was wondering, Crystal Elizabeth Methyd, would you be my girlfriend?" Gigi asked, hoping Crystal would say yes. A tear rolled down Crystals face. "Gigi! I- oh my god! Of course i will!" Crystal smiled, locking her lips onto Gigi's.

Crystal only had one word to describe how she was feeling at that moment.. and that was, Euphoria.

(( Ah! That's it, we made it to the end!
I hope you all liked this, i know it's short, but yEah! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, the support is unbelievable! I'll be posting a new ff some time this week, so stay tuned! Again, thank you all so so much! I hoped you enjoyed this! <3

Xoxo, Kasey.

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