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CRYSTAL METHYD was still confused about the nickname Gigi gave her, but she just let it slide, since it didn't mean anything, right?

"What took you so long?" Jackie asked, when Crystal finally came back. "Sorry! I was talking to Gigi Goode," Crystal explained. Jackie was shocked. Crystal Methyd talking to Gigi Goode? That's surprising. "What's the occasion that you were talking to Gigi?" Jackie questioned with a grin. "Nothing! I just bumped into her by accident," Crystal responded.

Their day was already really unexpected.. to make things better, there was a tall figure walking up to them wearing a gorgeous black strapless dress, a white leather jacket and a pair of white stilettos. None other than, Jaida Essence Hall.

"Hey bitches!" She said, dragging out the 's'. "Hey," they both replied simultaneously. "So, you're both going to my party Saturday? I decided to have a theme this year, hippy. So, please, dress like a hippy, okay?" Jaida ordered before walking away, not letting the girls answer.

"That's a.. weird theme," Jackie remarked. "...yeah- seems unusual," Crystal muttered. Crystal couldn't help but feel suspicious, why wouldn't she? Jaida never had a theme. Crystal was snapped out of her thoughts by the bell ringing. "I'll see you later Jackie!" Crystal waved before walking to English class.

Crystal loved her English class, well, she loved it because she sat next to Gigi Goode. The class was already going on for about eight minutes. Gigi looked at the teacher, then at Crystal. "Hey, Crystal?" Gigi asked. They never talked in class before. "Hm?" Crystal replied. "Do you want to hang out later?" The black haired girl asked. Crystal didn't know what to say, Gigi Goode wants to hang out with her? "Uh, Sure..," Crystal stuttered.

"Great! Give me your phone, I'll put my number in so you can call me after school," Gigi replied with a smile. Crystal took her Motorola StarTAC out of her pocket and handed it to Gigi. Gigi looked at her wondering why she didn't have the newest phone, but she put her number into Crystals phone anyway. Crystal took her phone off of Gigi and smiled. The bell rang, it was the end of the day, amazing.

Crystal and Jackie were neighbors, so they walked home together. "Bye Jackie!" Crystal smiled when she reached her house, her house was small, but it was home to her. It had bright yellow walls, a big white door and white windows. Jackie and Crystal said there goodbyes and Crystal greeted her parents when she walked in.

Crystal was listening to music in her room, then she remembered Gigi. So she decided to text her.

C: Hey Gigi! It's Crystal.
It took Gigi about two seconds to reply.
G: hey! So do you want to go to the café in 10?
C: yeah, of course!
G: I'll pick you up at your house, just send me your address.

Crystal sent Gigi her address and was outside of her house waiting for Gigi.
She was waiting exactly ten minutes, when a Lamborghini Diablo pulled up. Of course Gigi had an expensive car. Gigi got out of the car and walked up to Crystal. "Hey!" Gigi beamed. "Hi," Crystal smiled.

"You ready?" Gigi asked. Crystal nodded in response. They got into the car and started driving to their destination. They sat there in silence, it was pretty awkward so Crystal coughed. "Will i put on the radio?" Gigi asked still concentrating on the road. "Um, yes please," Crystal replied. Gigi turned on the radio and 'Zombie' by The Cranberries was blasting out of the speakers. Gigi quietly sang, her voice was beautiful.

"In your headdddd, in your headdddd
Zombiee, zombiee, zombie-ie-ieee!" The girls sang in unison. They both looked at each other and laughed. They sang along to the songs that played.
After a twenty minute drive they reached their destination. The café was small, but looked cozy. There wasn't many people in there, about three. It had bright green walls, white windows and doors and loads of plants surrounding it, there was also plants indoors.

Crystal and Gigi were talking about school, music and anything that came to mind. "Would you like to order?" A lady named 'Rose" asked the girls. "Could I get a vanilla milkshake and a chocolate muffin, please?" Gigi asked with a smile. "And I'll have the same!" Crystal added. The woman walked away after taking their orders. Gigi glanced at her phone for a second. Five messages from Jan.
J: Hey gi! x
J️: Can i come over later??
J️: Gigi?
J️: where are you??
J️: are you okay??
seen, 16:28pm

Gigi really liked Crystal, she was sweet, funny, caring. "So, why did you ask me to hang out? Why didn't you ask Jan?" Crystal asked. It took Gigi a minute to answer. "I wanted to be friends with you. I can't hang out with Jan all the time, can i?" Gigi replied. "No, i guess not," Crystal muttered. They shared a bit of small talk until Crystals phone rang. 'Daya' showed up on the screen. "Hello?" She answered. "Where are you!? We were meant to meet up today!! You're an hour late, Crystal!! What the fuck?!" Daya yelled down the line. "Shit! Sorry Daya, i totally forgot! I'm out with a friend, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, i promise," Crystal explained. She heard a sigh coming from Daya. "Ugh, fine," Daya snapped and hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Gigi questioned. "My friend Daya, i was meant to meet up with her today.. i totally forgot!" Crystal explained. They talked for a bit. Gigi checked her phone, four missed calls from Jan. "Shit!" Gigi said. "What?" Crystal asked full of worry. "I have four missed calls from Jan, we should probably go now," Gigi added.

Gigi drove Crystal home, said her good-byes, then instantly drove over to Jans.
Gigi knocked on Jan's door about ten times in the space of two minutes. Jan opened the door, "what the fuck Gigi?!" Jan yelled, with tears streaming down her face.

// Oooh, a cliffhanger. I hope you like this!

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