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As Felix sat down, he was handed a pen and a sheet of paper. It had a table, with the numbers one to ten written down the side.
"Time for some tests! Oh, and I'm Samuel, by the way." Tests! Felix thought. Oh no! I'm not clever, I can't do tests. Oh GOD!
"All I need you to do, is write down what you see." The man held up some pieces of card, with splatters of ink on them. So it was one of these tests... Thats just fine....Felix thought as he wrote his name.
Meanwhile, Ken and Minx were doing the same things.

After the ink blot tests and some conversations about the results, and their pasts, the teens went back into the main room for break. There was juice, biscuits and sandwiches set out for them.
"Hey! Ken!" Felix waved to make himself stand out. There was a group of suited men and women in the corner.
"Hey Felix!" Ken replied. It would be time to get back to work soon. They chatted a bit, about girls and school. Mainly about how they felt about Rhett and this place.
Suddenly, Rhett appeared by the whiteboard. He kissed Jessie on the cheek and spoke into a small microphone.
"Ok ladies and gents, time to get back to work now, another break in two hours," He smiled and walked through the earlier locked door. The people in suits followed, they held papers and had name tags. At the top of the papers were the words:Children with Traumatic experience rehousing unit.
Another said: Boarding school
And: Adoption for teens.
What is that all about? Ken thought.

Felix. POV.
As I saw the papers and name tags I came to the conclusion it was to do with how Rhett found us and the authorities. I mean, you couldn't just find some suffering teen and take them away to a 'boarding school'. There were rules, you know!

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