Date Gone Wrong

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A/N: Okay, so this one-shot is gonna be a bit different. This is gonna be how the scenario would differ, depending on who was being helped. So, there will be multiple 'parts' to this chapter!

Oh, and in this, Peter is not a teen (as he's in a bar), as so nothing is inappropriate/paedophilia!


Steve Rogers

"Hey," Peter says, sliding over the bar stools to get the blonde man's attention. "Don't drink that. I think that you're date's trying to drug you."

The man turned to look at Peter. He looks at him for a few moments, as if he was trying to figure the younger man out, before he asks, "Are you sure?"

"I saw him slip something into your drink when you were asking about closing times. Then he excused himself to the bathroom," Peter explains, eyeing the drink warily.

The man smiles slightly, seemingly noticing by Peter's mannerisms that he wasn't lying, and was truly trying to help him. The blonde called the bar tender over, and explained the situation. They quickly assured the man that their date would be dealt with and then took his drugged drink away.

The man then fully turned to the brunet, who could finally take the man in. He saw how his hair was more of a sandy colour, rather than a sunny blonde. He had bright, blue eyes that seemed to shine back at him. His jaw was chiselled, and his whole body screamed muscle. God was he hot. And suddenly, that's when it clicked in his head. He just helped Steve Rogers.

Peter blushes, trying to get the information stuck in his head, while also realising he had just internally called his childhood hero 'hot'.

"I'm Steve," the Captain tells him, a smile gracing his lips.

The brunet stares for a few seconds, before he realises he has to tell him who he was. He quickly says, "'M Peter. Nice to meet you."

Steve's smile widens and he says, "It's nice to meet you too, Peter. Even if it isn't in the best scenario."

Peter frowns and he says, "Sorry that your date was ruined."

"It's alright. Didn't like them much anyway," the blonde says as he shrugs and places his elbow on the bar, leaning his head on on his palm. 

Peter smiles at him and nods in understanding. Peter then gets a mischievous glint in his brown eyes, and he jokes, "Glad I could be of service then."

Steve laughs and nods along, his smile only widening. They then fall into a comfortable silence- well, as silent as it can be in a bar. Peter could see from the corner of his eye that Steve was checking him out, much like he had done to the captain when he turned around.

Steve then questions, "What's someone like you doin' here, doll?"

Peter blushes at the nickname the American icon had donned him. He the tilts his head at him and asks, "What's that supposed to mean?"

It was Steve's time to blush when he saw Peter's reaction. He nervously rubs the back of his neck and replies, "I was just wondering what someone as hands- Uh, I mean, nice as you were doing in a bar alone."

"I wasn't supposed to be alone," Peter says, smiling sadly. He then smiles brightly saying, "Doesn't matter though. Means I got to meet you, so it was definitely a win."

Steve grins at him and says, "It definitely is, 'cause I got to meet you too, doll."

Peter then realises the time and sighs, "Shoot, I-I gotta go. I've got work tomorrow."

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