Wings AU

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Peter Parker lived in a world where people with wings were a common thing. There were a few types, which meant it was hard to keep track sometimes, but Peter knew them all.

The most common were the a Blue Jay wings. They represented strength, communication, clarity or even the need to stand up for yourself. People with Blue Jay wings usually ended up getting regular, low paying jobs.

The next common were the Seagull wings. Surprisingly, these people would end up getting better jobs than the Blue Jay's, as they represented being opportunistic, resourcefulness and communication. They usually ended up as bosses and faces of companies.

Then it were the Barn Owl wings, who were slightly rarer. They represented magic, mystery, and ancient knowledge, due to owls being able to see in the dark. These were usually people who became presidents or leaders of some kind.

Then, there were the two most rare wings to have. The least rare of the two were the crow wings. The most common and well known representations were of then being tricksters, manipulative and mischievous. These people were usually shunned by the rest of society, even though their wings shouldn't represent you- at least in Peter's opinion.

However, the rarest type of wings were the Angel wings. There hadn't been many recorded people with said wings, but that could be because people don't want all the attention that comes with the wings. They were always celebrated as they were represented as guardians, providing comfort and promoting higher wisdom and understanding.

Peter had never shown anyone his wings, not even his aunt and uncle, as he knew what would happen if he did. He had the angel wings, which meant that he would be placed on display and loved by everyone, if he ever showed anyone.

Of course, people were suspicious, but most people- like Flash- reasoned it was because he had crow wings, and he didn't want to be shunned. The civilians also worried about what his wings were too, due to him being Spider-Man and never showing them, which cause a lot of controversy.

Peter sighed as he thought about all of this. He was in the back of the car that Happy was driving, who was taking him to the Tower- as per Tony's 'request'.

Peter had been trying to decide recently whether he should tell the Avengers, but he had finally decided not to. So, he was rather worried about if they asked him- yet again.

After a few more minutes of driving, the car pulled up to the front, and Peter quickly exited, giving a quick 'thank you' to Tony's bodyguard. The man shook his head before leaving, driving back home, as it was the last thing on his schedule for the day.

Peter entered the building, heading straight for the elevator. When he enters it, Friday greets him, "Hello, Peter. The others are in the living room but-"

Before the AI could finish Peter's phone starts ringing, so he apologetically answers it. May was calling him asking when he was coming home, so he explained to her how he had to meet the others for a weekly briefing.

Once he hung up, the doors to the elevator opens, and he walks out, putting his phone away in his pocket.

His spider sense then starts to tingle, and he whips his head up, but he didn't have enough tie to react before something hits him in the chest. He goes flying backwards, hitting the closed elevator doors behind him.

He groans and then looks up, rubbing his head. He watches as everyone- all of the Avengers and a very surprised Loki- were looking at him with wide eyes.

He looks at them confused, before one of them- none other than the billionaire that had shot him- points behind him.

Peter's eyebrows furrow, before he turns his head to look behind him. What he saw shook him to the bone.

His pure white wings where spread out behind him, on show for the heroes- and anti heroes in Loki's case.

Peter looks back at them with a pale face.

"Holy shit, the kid's a literal angel," Bucky mutters under his breath, before everything goes to carnage.

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