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I stood in front of the mirror, admiring my dress. Today is my wedding day and everything is going to be perfect. I'm going to marry the love of my life and nothing can ruin it. Nothing at all.

"Amber!" I turned to find my maid of honor, Tasha. She was like a sister to me, we were always together- connected to the hip we were.

I saw the fear and sadness in her eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "What is it?"

She looked toward the ground and stared. "It's Jonathan..." She whispered. "He's been in an accident-"

"W-what..?" My heart started pounding erratically and I almost fell from where I was standing. Tasha kept rambling but I didn't pay attention to a word she was saying. "Take me to him."

"But your dress-"

My eyes couldn't take anymore as fat, hot tears started pouring down my cheeks. "Please, Tashie.." I whispered. "Take me to him."

She shut her mouth and obliged. She stared at me for a moment then hesitantly nodded, leading me out of the reception and into her car. "I told Toby that I was taking you to the hospital-" I basically snapped my neck to look at her and she smiled sheepishly. Toby was her... Husband. "I wouldn't want anyone to think the bride ran off.." I slowly nodded and tried to calm down. But I just couldn't. The tears started again, making my body rack in sobs and I uncontrollable hiccups. Tasha looked to me with a sympathetic look and rubbed my back to try and calm me down. She pulled into the hospital and parked the car. I quickly threw the car door open and ran out, grabbing my dress and not caring two shits of what happens to it. "Amber! Slow down!" I ignored her. Why would I? I need to see my soon-to-be-husband! Hopefully... No no! Don't think like that, Amber.. He's gonna make it. We're getting married today and we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together have children and grow old and die in each others arms. I wiped my wet cheeks to try and rid me of raccoon eyes. I ran up to the receptionist, breathing heavily. "I'm here to see my fiancé..." I whispered. She nodded and glanced down at my dress. She gave me a sympathetic smile and started typing away on her computer.


"His name is Jonathan Hanson. I'm his fiancé , Amber Lee.."

She nodded and handed me a visitors pass. "He's in room 3-8-7, the doctors should be done with the surgery, you can visit him now."

I nodded. "If a girl named Tasha comes up, send her after me.."

She nodded and started typing on her computer again. I took in a deep breath and headed towards the elevator. I wiped my face again and went up to the third floor, looking at each and every number until I found 387. His door. The doctor opened it with tired eyes and looked to me with a sad look. "Are you Amber Lee?" He whispered.


He simply shook his head no and that was that. "No...no!" I cried out, collapsing onto the ground, sobbing loudly and uncontrollably. "He can't leave me...!" Tasha soon ran up to me and looked up to the doctor. He simply shook his head again and opened the door. "You may say your goodbyes."
Tasha nodded and helped me off the ground, slowly helping me into the room.

The tears kept coming but I quieted down.. Staring at him. He was unhooked from the heart monitor and covered in bandages. My breathing was hitching every now and then, due to my constant crying and I sat on the chair next to him.

"We never got to exchange rings." I smiled sadly and stroked his hair. "I wasn't able to say it then so I'm gonna say it now... I loved you. I still do. I might as well put on the wedding ring and.. Death literally did us part. I'm so sorry!" A few silent tears rand down my cheeks as I looked to my best friend. "Tasha.. I want to put the wedding ring on his finger.. Can you get Toby to bring them to me..?" I whispered, too scared to speak any louder. Scared to fall apart. She nodded, taking one last look at Jonathan and exiting the room to call Toby. I sniffled and took his hand in mine. "What am I gonna do without you?"

•••Three Months Later

"What?!" I screeched, staring at the doctor.

He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded slowly. "You're pregnant."

The shock faded which quickly turned to happiness. "It's Jonathan's child..."

•••Hiyah! Long prologue, ain't it? I just wanted you to know it won't be Amber's POV seeing as she's not the main character. The kid is ^-^. But your just gonna have to wait for the next chapter, aren't cha? I think I like the plot so far, don't you? I hope I didn't set your feels on fire >•< anywho, Don't be a ghostie! Tell me whatcha think ^-^ I'll see you guys next chappie c:•••

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