•My Little Angel 1•

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"Angel! You're gonna be late for school!" Mom yelled from the kitchen, obviously getting angry.

My eyes snapped open and I fell off my bed. "Dammit." I mumbled, quickly scrambling up and running to the bathroom. No time for shower. Brush my teeth and hair and don't forget the clothes. I chanted that in my head and did exactly that. I ran to my closet and threw off my shirt, putting on my Slipknot shirt. I slipped on a pair of black ripped jeans and purple Toms.

"Angel, I swear I will rip you out of bed and-"

I popped up behind her and planted a wet kiss on her cheek. "I'm good. Wide awake." She smiled and tucked a piece of my brown hair behind my ear. "Now run, you psycho." She chuckled, pushing my tush out the door. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah. Love you, Toodles!"

I ran down the sidewalk with my messenger bag on my shoulder and an apple in my hands. I slowed down as I neared the my school and bit a large chunk out of my apple. Now.. Where are my maniacal friends?

"ANGELLL!" I rolled my eyes and looked across the courtyard to find my group of friends. Tori was waving frantically as Troy and Martin rolled their eyes. I chuckled and jogged over to them.

Tori ran up to me with a big smile and threw her arms around me. "I haven't seen you in forever!" I rolled my eyes again but smiled anyway, hugging her back. "Dude, I saw you last week."

"And I counted the days since then." She dramatically threw her hand up to her forehead and sighed like some princess. I laughed at her and smacked her shoulder. "Calm down, drama queen." Troy mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Tori and Troy are twins, they never really acted like it but it's obvious. I've known them since first grade and they never left my side. I unconsciously smiled as I looked to Martin. I've know him since the sixth grade Tori says he's got some crush on me but I refuse to believe it. I rolled my eyes as he smiled back and not-so-subtly winked at me. I laughed at his goofiness and bumped his shoulder. Now it was his turn to roll his eyes.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh! Angelll!" She waved a hand in my face and twitched slightly.

"What is it, Tori?"

She bit her lip and suddenly sighed as if she was thinking of swimming in a pool of chocolate. I'd sigh "dreamily" for that. I want chocolate.

She snapped out of her trance and smiled widely. "There's a new guy!" She squealed. "And he's totally hot!"

I raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a flat look. Whatever guy that goes to this school is usually too hot to be nice or some nerd. This dumb school is run by all those who were blessed with god or goddess like features. But their personalities are just the worst.

Tori suddenly flicked my forehead and gave me a look. "What?" I dragged the "a" for a while, biting my lip. "I have to see him to believe it. Have you even seen him?"

She looked down to the ground. "Erm... Rumors..." She mumbled. "I overheard Josephine talking with her evil minions."

I face-palmed. "Dude, what if there isn't even a new-"

I was cut off by a motorcycles roar and I turned to find a face hidden by a helmet. I squinted slightly, staring at him, so was everyone else in the courtyard. He slowly took his helmet off, making my breath get caught in my throat.

Oh dear god he is the most sexiest guy I have ever seen.

Tori elbowed me hard and smirked at me. I just rolled my eyes while crossing my arms. Looks can be deceiving, and if this guy has a golden personality who cares about other peoples feelings instead of throwing girls away like some used tissue, then I'd give him a chance. If he'd even give a girl like me a chance. He turned to me and caught my stare, I didn't look away. I couldn't. After what seemed like forever he suddenly smirked and sent me a wink. I rolled my eyes back and looked away, blushing slightly.

Tori gasped and turned me around, gripping my shoulders tightly like I might collapse on the floor and like die. "Did you see that?!" She practically screamed. "He winked at you! I'd be melting right now if I were you."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not always about the looks, Victoria." She pouted. "When it comes to him," She nodded at his direction, which by the way, was coming towards us. "I can't help but say it is."

I looked to Martin who was obviously glaring at new guy. I bit my lip but shrugged it off. He stood a literal foot away from me and raised a rather perfect eyebrow.

"Hello, love." He flashed a perfect smile and gestured to me. Wait whoa. He's British. Oh my gosh that is such a beautiful accent.. "Might I have the pleasure of knowing your name..?"

I gulped slightly. He seems nice so far.. "Er... A-Angel." He smiled again and took a step closer to me, pushing a brown piece of hair behind my ear. "What a beautiful name. It certainly fits such a beautiful girl."

I bit my lip and looked down to my shoes, suddenly finding them much more interesting. "T-thank you.." I blushed as his fingers found my chin, he lifted my head up so I was looking into his wonderfully brown eyes. He grinned a boyish grin and I gave him a small smile in return. "I'll see you around, Angel." And with that, he left. I suddenly got cold and shivered involuntarily.

I smiled stupidly, but my little reverie was cut short when Tori spun me around yet again. "Ohmigawsh, Angel! He's totally got a thing for you! Nobody can resist the infamous Angel Lee!"

I made a "psssh" sound and pushed her gently. "Dude, I am the un-girliest thing ever."

She raised an eyebrow. "And your point is?"

"Nobody wants to go out with a tomboy." I stated matter-of-factly.

She raised an eyebrow and quickly looked from me to Martin. "Oh, I beg to differ."

I rolled my eyes. "When you find someone who would, give me a call."

•••Angel's a bit dumb, ain't she? Like OBVIOUSLY ITS SO OBVIOUS THAT MARTIN'S GAY. I'm just kidding! xD nah, Martin's not gay. Maybe. Anywho, Don't be a ghostie! Tell me whatcha think ^-^ I'll see you guys next chappie c:•••

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