Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Scottie's POV...

My eyes felt like I had sand grinding around in them when I woke up. I looked around to see that I was in Nolan's office lying on the couch by his desk, and I was covered with a light blanket. I slowly sat up still huddled under the warmth of the blanket and looked around the office. Nolan's computer was on and the program he was using was open, and so were some file folders on the desk. There was even a still steaming cup of coffee off to the side, so he must have just stepped out for a minute.

I got up and stretched, feeling the tension knots in my shoulders protest and my full bladder made itself known. So, I hunted around the room until I found the en-suite bathroom. I quickly relieved myself, flushed,  and washed my hands. While I was standing there at the pristine white marble counter, I looked up into the mirror and gawked at the disheveled mess I made. I turned the tap to the cold water and I washed my ashen face, and pinched my cheeks to add a little color. I ran my damp fingers through my hair and I must say I looked way better, more alive and less zombie like.

I was strode back into the office and my stomach grumbled at the scent of the fresh coffee. I checked the time and I still had a little over two hours before my appointment with the Therapist, and gosh,  she was surely going to get an earful today after my very eventful morning. My chest constricted painfully as my mind ran over the vicious words my Aunt had spewed right there in my face in front of everyone. I guess I couldn't call her my Aunt anymore, she was just Molly from now on, or the lady that owned the cafe. I wonder what people will say once they find out what happened? Will they shun me too like she did, like I was no more than garbage to be thrown away?

My stomach rumbled again and Nolan still hasn't returned so I fixed my over large sweater and straightened my jeans. I made sure my shoes were tied and I grew a pair and decided to go out into the club and look for him, maybe I would be able to find my way into that spectacular kitchen and find something to eat. I wondered if they hired a chef yet; they must have if they were opening in three days. A lot of thoughts were running through my mind, and the most prominent one at the moment, was finding a hotel room or something until I am able to hunt for an apartment. I needed to get my stuff from that house too and I wondered if Nolan would take me after my appointment?

I made it down the hallway and I peeked around the corner as I heard several deep booming voices in conversation not too far away from where I was standing. I so wanted to scurry back down the hallway and back into the safety of Nolan's office; but the new me I was trying to become said to just walk out and face the strangers, they were just people and I was in the middle of Nolan's domain, nothing could happen to me here, because Nolan would go berserk.

So I took a deep breath and stepped out of the hallway and into the common area as Nolan had called it, I was relieved to see the big burly guy that had eyed up Tory that day we delivered lunch. I felt relieved to see at least one somewhat familiar face and I quietly made my way over to the group and to him. I think his name was Michael or Mike or something like that.

As I got closer one of the big guys noticed me and in a two quick strides he was just mere inches standing there right in front of me. "What do we have here?" He boomed and held his hand up and attempted to caress my face but I flinched back out of  his reach. My eyes wide and my entire body started trembling in fear. "Aww come on sweetness, there is no reason to be skittish." He purred and stepped forward to attempt to touch me again, but again I side stepped him.

"Rich, man if you want to keep your limbs and your eyeballs, you won't  even look at this little cutie right here." Mike warned with a devious smirk on his face.

I felt like I was watching a predator getting ready to strike, when all of a sudden I felt two big hands slap me on my butt from behind, I yelped and twirled around to see who it was that had hit me.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now