Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Nolan's POV...

I have to admit, I tried to muster up the will to feel bad about literally abandoning my responsibilities at the club for the past week, leaving everything for my friends and business partners to handle in my absence. I have spent every moment of the last couple of days with Scottie. I was holding him or making love to him, teaching him how to please me and taking him to the heights of ecstasy time and time again. For me, our first time was never about Domination or bondage. It was about two people who cared about each other connecting in the most primal way possible. I didn't introduce any toys or scenes to our lovemaking whatsoever.

Our intimate moments was about me taking the time to introduce him to the pleasures of intercourse, and about us connecting with each other in the age old way two people can connect and express their feelings to one another. It was for him to learn his likes and dislikes when it came to foreplay and penetrative sex. I was brought to my knees and humbled every time he so sweetly trusted me enough and loved me enough to let me into his luscious body. And how he would timidly explore my body to his heart's content. I have never felt such intense feelings towards anyone before. They caused my heart to race and my gut to churn with just one glance from his gorgeous bright blue eyes.

Scottie drove me out of my friggin mind with his sweet innocence and the rapt attention he paid to anything and everything I did to his delicious body. My baby had no idea how sexy he is, how alluring, and damn I couldn't wait for his nipples to fully heal so I can play with those hot as hell piercings. He was absolutely stunning when he was in the throes of orgasm. It was something I could watch him do over and over again. He was like a potent drug and I was a raving addict constantly needing a larger amount of that narcotic to receive the level of high that had me floating in carnal bliss.

But like life and everything in it, we had to come back to reality of our responsibilities. I couldn't hide out in my house anymore and fuck Scottie like a happy bunny on crack. I had to get back to club and handle my business, and Scottie had an appointment with Dr. Burns later on this afternoon. I was going to make myself available for it just in case the good doctor wanted to speak to the both us. I had no qualms about Scottie sharing his new found confidence in himself and our deepening relationship.

Currently my beautiful boy was fast asleep in my arms and I couldn't help but snuggle a little closer and prolong the morning's sleepy comfort with him for just a little bit longer. I could feel the warmth of his naked skin against mine. And damned if I didn't have to close my eyes a take a deep calming breath. I have been popping wood like I have been chewing on Viagra like they were M&M's that is how much my man affected me. I shuffled a little in hopes that I would wake him up just to watch him become aware of everything that we have been up to the previous night before, and the fact that we were also stark naked in the middle of  my big bed. I wanted to see that beautiful bashful blush creep across every inch of his creamy alabaster skin.

Scottie mumbled something in his sleep and rolled over and pushed his naked ass right up against my already rock hard erection. This time I did groan out loud. He continued to wiggle that dangerous weapon until he settled fully against me with my cock trapped snugly between his soft butt cheeks and my abs. I had to fight the urge not to start humping on him like a horny puppy. God, I was so gone for him. If Dean or Mike saw me now, I would never live this down. A lot of people had the preconceived notion that we Dominants were hard asses that seemed not to have normal emotions like regular people. But I am here to tell you that it isn't true. We are just accomplished at controlling our physical and emotional responses in intense situations. But we felt things just as deeply as anyone else.

Before I could make the decision to sink myself deep into Scottie's enticingly presented ass. I slowly eased my body away from his and scooted off the side of the bed. I went completely still as he released a disgruntled little noise and flipped himself over only to reach out and snag my now vacant pillow and curl himself around it. Finally, he settled once again and I carried myself off to the bathroom. I would let him sleep in; the poor thing must be exhausted. I have demanded a lot of his time and the use of his body over the last few days. Not only must he be sore in multiple places, but he must be tired as hell too. I took my shower, shaved, and dressed myself in my usual dark jeans and muscle hugging v neck black sweater. The weather outside was getting better; it wasn't as bitterly cold anymore as we got closer and closer to spring time.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now