Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Nolan's POV...

I barely managed a polite smile as I stood up and shook my attorney's hands as they filed out of my office after we concluded our business. This whole sordid affair has pissed me off to no end. There was no way I was letting that Bitch walk away from this fiasco free and clear,  for all the bullshit that she has stirred up, I was going to show her exactly what I am capable of.  For Scottie's sake alone, I had managed to look the other way about her callous treatment of his needs up until now. She has definitely crossed the line and actually had the nerve to stand before my place of business and fuck if she didn't just insult me insult me, she insulted everyone around me, my friends, my patrons, and yet again, my little one. That fucking preacher of hers was no better either, and Dean was still somewhere in the back of the club trying to reassure and comfort his traumatized his boy.   What man did to Martin was completely uncalled for and to have Scottie witnessing it all just made my blood boil all the more.

The door closed with a resounding thud as I kicked it shut after the last of my high priced lawyers turned the corner down the hall. I stomped my way across the carpet and dropped my ass back into my office chair with a grunt.  I released  a frustrated breath as I rubbed a weary hand over my face. I was beyond livid, I was frightened for Scottie's safety, I was concerned for Martin's state of mind, and I needed a way to break this all consuming anger burning its way through my system before I did something foolish, like dragging that bigoted bitch down the middle of the street by her hair and burn her like the witch that she is for everyone to see. My hands literally shook with the need to do something about her.

I know I have faced all kinds of prejudices and small minded people ignorant views before in my life as a gay man, and not only that, a homosexual man that also practices the BDSM lifestyle. Most people believed me to be not only unnatural and ungodly, but I am supposedly a deviant dealing in the taboo as well. Ignorant people who didn't understand or care to learn about what it really meant to those practicing the lifestyle or even living out and proud. I was a big boy I can handle the comments, the ridicule, and the intolerant attitudes, but when the people I care about are targeted by these unstable assholes, then it's a whole different story altogether. No one took advantage or made the people in my life feel any less than the brilliant and loving people that they are.

Scottie had pleaded with me to leave his Aunt's followers alone, that they were really decent people just following the cause of the moment and I agreed only to appease him. People tended to jump on whatever bandwagon sometimes just to say that they were there, or that they were a part of a something, but I drew with line that woman. By the time I am finished with her, she will more than realize just how much she has taken Scottie for granted. I am going to make damn sure she has absolutely nothing left, and I will be damned if she would look to Scottie for any kind of assistance. Sometimes you had to take away everything from a person for them to realize what they had in the first place.

I shot up out of my seat and growled as I viciously threw the glass paper weight on my desk across the room, it shattered into a starburst multiple pieces, the shimmering shards of glass winked brilliantly under the overhead lights  before they scattered across the plushy carpeted floor. A few seconds later, my office door was slammed wide open. Scottie and Tory was standing there in the doorway staring wide eyed concern from me to the scattered pieces of glass on the carpet and then finally at the minor dent in the wall from the impact of the heavy paper weight. I stood there with my fists clenched at my sides and the feelings of helplessness swirling around in my head. If Scottie hadn't been there to calm me down, I knew I would have done something as deplorable as striking a woman. I had felt the  urge to choke the shit out of her when I arrived to see her smug face as she screamed all kinds of bullshit about my place of business and my friends, and even myself. But I drew the line when she had started in on Scottie.

His Boy (manxman)*His Series, Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now