Frank the Plank

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Season 1 Episode 2 "Frank the Plank" 



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I am sitting on the couch in between Fiona and V. When Steve enters the room with food. 

"Burgers coming through." Steve announces.  

Ian hands me my burger with a smile and I smile back at him. And then the show begins. We are all on the couch enjoying the show, when all the sudden Frank enters the house with a bloody nose. 

"You okay, Frank?" Steve asks concerned.

"Hey. That my shirt?" Ian asks Frank. 

"Yeah." Frank responds to Ians question.

"Uh, I'm just asking." Ian says quickly, kind of afraid of Frank. 

"Guy at the bar said to pass it on." Frank says not even caring that he just hurt his own damn son.

Frank then hits his face into Ian's face. Oh no. Fuck you Frank. You messed with the wrong person buddy. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you frank? You're drunk Frank. Drunk." Steve asks annoyed with what Frank just did. 

"This is drunk? This isn't drunk. You want to see drunk. What are you, a tough guy, Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy? Because you look like a premenstrual Filipino", Frank replies

"Steve, go. Get out. Hey. Just Go." Fiona yells at Steve as he tries to hit Frank.

This is where I lose my shit. 

"Fuck you Frank. You messed with the wrong fucking Gallagher. Fuck you, you Asshole." I yell as i start punching him. 

Lip pulls me off of Frank. As I continue to throw punches. 

"No one mess with my twin brother. You got that Frank?" I say making eye contact with him. 

"I said did you fucking got that Frank?" I continue. 

I punch him one last time in the mouth. 

"That's what I thought. You fucking pussy." I yell at him, anger running through my blood. 

By the time I am done yelling at Frank and beating the shit out of him. Steve is gone and I go back to Ian. 

"Ice" V yells. 

"It's a bloody nose. He's not dying." Frank snaps back

"Leave Frank. Get out of this fucking house. NOW." I roar at my dead beat father. 

"Did anyone notice I was bleeding?" He replies completely avoiding my question. 

My anger gets the best of me and I push Frank out of the door. 

Alexis Gallagher--Shameless (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now