Killer Carl

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Season 1 Episode 6 "Killer Carl" 



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I am in my room working on my english paper when all of a sudden the power goes out. The first thing that pops into my head is Carl. 

"Carl." I yell as I walk down the stairs. 

"It's not me! Hector's at the pole again!" Carl says as I make my way down our stairs. 

Debbie, Carl, Fiona, Ian, and myself all walk outside, hoping that Hector will be able to turn the power back on. 

"is there any way that you could..." Fiona begins but is quickly cut off by Hector.

"I can't this time, Fiona. It's the third red notice this year. I'm sorry." Hector says. 

"Not the first time we got shut off; won't be the last." I add in. 

Fiona and Hector continue to talk about the power. When Hector tells us if we pay today, he will stop by at the end of the day. 

"Call my cell phone when you pay it, I'll swing back at the end of the day." Hector says.

"Thank you, Hector." I say as I walk back inside the house with Ian, Debbie, and Carl.

I am in the kitchen eating when Lip and Steve walk in to the kitchen. I don't really pay attention to the conversations going on in the kitchen. I just tone them out. 

"Everyone. Go. You're going to be late." Fiona yells at us to get out the door.

"I'll give you guys a ride." Steve tells us. 

"Teacher told me to give this to you." Carl says as he gives the piece of paper to Fiona. 

"Wait. What did you do?" Fiona asks Carl.

"Nothing." Carl replies

"This is from last Friday. It's Wednesday! Carl!" Fiona snaps at Carl.

"Wait, whoa, what'd he do?" Steve asks.

"Nothing. Hey, the bat stays here. Lexi. Go. Please." Fiona says. 

"I just wanted to tell you I have a band thing tonight at parents night

. The band teacher is really proud of me and wants to talk to you. But hey. You are busy, I get it. It's totally fine." I say putting a fake smile on my face as I walk out the door. 

"No. Lexi. Don't say that. I care about you. I will try to make it I promise." I hear Fiona say as I walk out the door and into Steve's car. 

I get out of Steve's car when he yells at us to have a great day. 

"Hey Kiddos. Have a great day today!" Steve says to us. 

"Thanks for the ride Steve." I say as I get out of the car and walk into the band room for practice. 

Alexis Gallagher--Shameless (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now