Chapter 5

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Luna's POV

After the prince had looked at me with wide eyes and my face went red I had looked him up and down admiring his suit for diner with his parents. Realizing the thoughts going through my head I instantly looked away from him. I heard him clear his throat, so I looked up at him only to see he had moved from his current spot and was now at the bedroom door holding it open for me to walk out of the room. I walk past him leaving the bedroom only to turn around and wait for him to walk out after me. When he exits the bedroom he shuts the door behind himself only to face me in the end. He holds his arm out for me to take, so I do and then we start to walk towards wherever the dining hall would be located.

Tristan's POV

I was walking with Luna to the dining hall so we could go have diner with my parent's. The moment we got to the dining hall doors Luna tensed up and I smile over to her leaning to her ear and whispering to her. "It's alright Luna. My parent's aren't that bad. They just want to get to know you that's all. Please just relax and try to breath." She looks up at me and smiles softly before taking a deep breath and relaxing herself. Once she was relaxed enough I laid my hand atop of hers and then we both walked into the dining hall together only to come face to face with my parents. My mother who stood next to my father smiled down at Luna and grabbed her hand taking her from my side. My mother pulled her over to the table and had her sit down one chair away from my father's, but the part that surprised me was that she had put Luna on my side of the table. I could have sworn that my mother would have wanted Luna at her side of the table for the day. Without giving it another thought I just walked over to Luna's side and took my seat next to my father's side and my mother took her seat on my father's opposite side. My father seeing the three of us sitting down finally sat in his seat and cleared his throat then said. "Well Luna how are you liking it here so far?" I looked over at Luna to see her giving my father a soft smile as she said. "I actually like it a lot. I didn't think I would, but it's really pretty. I honestly can't wait till I start taking care of the gardens that surround the palace. The flowers are all so beautiful." My mother and father smiled at Luna and then the servants brought in our food and set our plates in front of their respected person before pulling off the lid and then leaving. 

3rd Person POV

While they were eating dinner together no one noticed the figure standing in the shadows of the dining hall. The figure was watching the family until his eyes landed on Luna. When he saw her; he was in pure shock. He knew the girl since she was young, but he had thought she was gone for good. He watched as the royal family and Luna ate dinner together and talked together. He watched as they got to know each other and as he watched her posture and attitude he realized exactly who she was.

Luna's POV

As I was eating dinner with Tristan and his parents I had started feeling this weird sensation. It was as if I was being watched. I set my fork down on the table next to my plate and I had cleared my throat to catch the attention of the King and Queen. Once they were looking at me I had simply asked. "May I please be excused? I'm full and I wanna go explore the garden a bit before I get some sleep." They just simply nodded to me and I had stood up bowing to them and Tristan before leaving quietly and heading out towards the garden quietly. I walked out the doors of the castle and into the garden where I went to the weeping willow tree and sat underneath it. It's beautiful white color had captivated my eyes until I had once again felt the feeling that I was being watched all over again.

 It's beautiful white color had captivated my eyes until I had once again felt the feeling that I was being watched all over again

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(Weeping Willow Tree Luna is sitting under)

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