Chapter 1

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Luna's P.O.V

I'm running through the streets of England; trying to get away from the palace guards. It's funny that they think that they can catch me. It's fun running from them. They try everything that they can to catch me. It's all for the sake of their precious Royal Blood Family! It sickens me to see this place ruled by only one family. A family that thinks they are better then everyone else at that. The Royal Family pissess me off. I ran around a corner, and then I jumped onto the roof of a house and I eventually disappeared from their sights.

Tristan's P.O.V

I'm in the throne room with my Family. We have been waiting for the guards to come back with the thief. I bet he's stupid. I bet he doesn't know anything about life. I thought to myself. The guards came in and one of them said. "Your majesties, we lost the thief. He's hard to get ahold of. We are sorry." My parents are furious this time, and I dismiss them. I get up, and go to my room after a while. I layed down on my bed, and fell asleep.

Luna's P.O.V

Maybe I should turn myself in.... That way I stop getting into trouble.... I thought to myself. That thought kept going through my head. Then I fell asleep, and the next morning I woke up and went out to do a little theifing again. The guards chased me, and I eventually let them catch me. They dragged me to the palace and one of them said. "Your majesties, we caught the thief."

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