Chapter One: Infamous

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       Rain pattered against the concrete streets of the infamous Neon District where its tall buildings and their blinding neon lights gave radiance to the city that never sleeps. Digital billboards atop buildings and along the walls of the many small businesses alerted potential customers of upcoming or current sales. Along with ads reminding the citizens that "the Watch are always watching."

       The rain drummed lightly against the blood soaked concrete around a motionless man in the middle of the street. His crisp suit was stained with his own blood from the chest and shoulder. Blue digital caution tape was set up around the perimeter of the crime scene where within it many Watch officers, detectives, and androids littered themselves around the body in search of any clues to determine this man's death.

       But of course, no evidence was to be found as the Syndicate knew how to make a clean getaway. But that didn't mean nobody would know who had done it as at this point, the clean murders always got the fingers pointed towards the Syndicate.

       A small android on its single tread slid over to the edge of the crime scene where a small piece of shiny metal was spotted on the concrete. The android pinched it between its thick fingers and skimmed over to a detective holding a navy blue umbrella to shield himself from the onslaught of the rain.

       Not like it was raining that hard at all.

      The detective held the piece of metal, an earring, between his gloved fingers and handed it back to the android where it glided over to an awaiting Watch truck parked near the underground garage entrance.

       "Cathra was getting sloppy," Yuka Hara thought to herself. She stood just outside the perimeter of the blue digital tape along with many other on lookers. The media that were present with their cameras pointed at the body on the ground were practically fighting one another to get the best angle. The many people gawking at the crime scene were mostly those of wealth with their nice, clean clothing and shiny shoes along with holding umbrellas to hide their pride under. Also, hiding the fact that this experience of theirs would be the most horrific moment in their lives.

       Scratch that, losing all their money would be their most horrific moment.

       Yuka stood there staring at the body with no umbrella or hood to keep her safe, only her dark, shoulder length hair protected her from the slight patter of the rain. She darted her grey eyes between these... privileged people and only wondered how they managed to have so much; while her and many others had little to nothing.

       She brought her attention back to the crime scene when she heard a snapping of fingers. In front of her there was a young looking woman in a slick, navy-blue pant suit with matching pumps, and shiny sapphire earrings. With her bangs stuck to her forehead and her eyebrows concealed, Yuka can tell she was pissed.

       "Did you not hear me? I told you to leave the area so that the Watch can remove the body for processing," the woman scolded at Yuka, as she white knuckled the umbrella she held in her manicured hands. "So, I suggest you buzz off before I get the Watch to do it for you," she scoffed before click clacking in her heels down the illuminated street and disappeared.

       The way the woman examined her from head to toe made Yuka want to go up from behind and plant her snob nose into the concrete. Fortunately for the lady, there were too many Watch in the area still. Restraining herself from doing something she would regret later, Yuka took her leave down the same street as the woman.

       As she walked, she fiddled with a small computer chip she hid in her pocket; one she snatched off the body before anyone noticed, thanks to Cathra. The victim's name was Chris who was a foreign ally from America here to assist the Syndicate with their mission. But as you can see; Chris did a big no-no and ratted them out to the Watch, but he was dealt with and she got what she needed with or without his help.

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