Chapter Four : He's Still Protecting You

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"Ok Elena stand there, Rebekah stand in the middle of the circle" we do as we are told.
"Where are you two going?" Rebekah asks Bonnie.
"Caroline will be standing next to you, holding you down and I will be on the opposite side of Elena. You will be in the middle of us. Hands" Bonnie says and we all hold out our hands. She slices our palms and our blood spills into a stone bowl. Bonnie does a spell and the blood lifts out of the bowl and lands on the salt. It gives a slight fizzle and then go backs to normal. "Barrier is up" Bonnie tells us. "Put Stefan's ring on Elena and cut your palm again and put your blood in this bowl" Bonnie hands me a small bowl.
I place Stefan's ring on my finger and cut my hand and my blood pours into the small bowl.
"So you keep your hand in this bowl Elena, then the ring has access to your blood the whole time." Bonnie says, I place my hand in the bowl and my hand is covered in blood in seconds. I take a seat on a chair and get comfy.
"Ok. Rebekah cut your hand and Elena's and join with Elena's other hand" Rebekah cuts her palm and my own and our hands connect. "Give me your spare hand" Rebekah holds her hand up to Bonnie and she cuts Rebekah's hand and then her own and they join hands.

"Rebekah you can't let go of me or Elena. If you do she won't come back and Caroline you have to do everything in your power to keep Rebekah connected." Bonnie says to us all, we all nod.
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch Rebekah. Don't let go" Bonnie says and I give Rebekahs' hand a reassuring squeeze.
"Damon as soon as Elena's neck is snapped you will start the timer, and in exactly half an hour break the salt barrier and put the herb paste in her mouth." Damon nods and holds the timer in his hand ready.
"Everyone ready?" Bonnie asks. I look around and see everyone ready, Damon has the timer ready and the herbs nearby. Caroline has her hands on Rebekahs' shoulders already and the next thing I hear is Rebekah's ear piercing scream and everything goes black.

No this has to work why can't I see Stefan? All of sudden there is a blinding white light and I'm thrown into a dirty room. The room is massive but it doesn't look like anything or anyone has been here for years all of sudden something catches my eye in the middle of the dusty room I see him sitting chained up on a chair, it's Stefan.

He looks terrible. His hands are tied behind his back being burnt in a bucket full of vervain, he has a massive piece of wood in his stomach that moves every time he breathes. His head is looking down to the floor, it looks like he doesn't have the energy to hold his head up. He has blood all over his chest, his shirt has been ripped off onto the floor and he looks up towards me, can he see me?
"Stefan?" I ask my voice cracking.
I hear a noise behind me and see someone come out from the shadows. He has a brown eyes, brown curly hair and is around six foot. He is wearing clothes that I haven't seen in this century, he's obviously old. It becomes clear that Stefan didn't see me but saw this mysterious man.

"Ah Stefan, are you awake?" The man asks in a rough voice. I couldn't quite place where his accent is from but it sounded old.
He walks closer to Stefan and walks next to a bucket on the floor. I see the fear in Stefan's eyes when the man picks the bucket up. My heart sinks for him and the hole in my stomach is only getting worse.
"Now are you going to tell me where she is yet?" He asks Stefan waving the bucket in his face.
"I am never going to tell you where she is. Just kill me and get it over with. I'd rather die then tell you where she is." Stefan says. It's the first time I've heard his voice but it doesn't sound like Stefan at all, it sounds broken.
"Yes, yes you've told me lots of time that you won't tell me where she is but I have ways of convincing you" the man says getting angrier at Stefan.
He reaches for the stake in Stefan and twists and I hear Stefan grunt in pain and I have to turn around, tears form in my eyes and drip onto the dusty floor.
Who could the man be talking about? Who does he want?

"What I don't get is that she broke your heart Stefan. Why not just give her location up and then all the pain will be gone, I'll leave you alone. How good do you think it will if you could walk into your home without seeing your brother and the love of you life together. That would be nice wouldn't it? So tell me where is the lovely Elena Gilbert at?" The man smiles and my heart sinks.

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