Chapter Twelve : Kill Him

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I hear him him screaming from down the corridor. "Stefan?!" I jump out of my bed and run down the corridor and push open Stefan's bedroom door.
"Elena?" he lets out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I'm here" I give him a light smile. Stefan has been having nightmares for weeks now. They aren't getting any better.
"Sorry, I had another one" he apologises to me and runs his shaking hands through his sandy hair.
"Don't be sorry. What was it tonight?" I ask him. Sometimes they differ.
"You died again" he looks up at me, this one has been happening a lot recently. It was very similar to the nightmare I had about Stefan. It's just the other way round.
"Well... I'm here now" I smile lightly at him.
"Yeah, you are" he says softly.
"Goodnight, Stefan" I turn around to face the door.
"Elena?" He calls after me.
"Yeah?" I turn around to face him.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" He asks me. I climb next to him and rest my head on his chest.
"Always" I promise him.

"All I'm saying is that Nate is a good candidate for Blair" Hayley says looking up from a book about comas in the supernatural.
"No. You haven't watched the whole thing!" Caroline looks up from her book.
"Yeah, I have to go with Caroline. Chuck and Blair all the way" I say jumping into the conversation. Hayley rolls her eyes at me and Caroline.
"Stefan?" Hayley asks as a last resort. Stefan looks up from his book in disbelief.
"You think I've been watching it" he laughs and looks back to his book.
"Honestly" Hayley rolls her eyes and goes back to her book.

My hunger hasn't been that bad recently as Stefan has been with me, it's been two weeks since Hayley came and nothing. We have found nothing. Rebekah is still in her coma. Damon is still being Damon some where and I'm still waiting for his calls but he's not answering me.

"Someone's here" Stefan looks up and speeds to the window and we all look up to Stefan.
"Stefan, who is it?" I ask him as he's just staring and not talking.
"It's...Damon" he slowly looks around at me.
"Of course it is" Caroline mumbles. I walk up to the window and stand next to Stefan.
"He's back?" Even though I can see his car. I'm still in disbelief. I can hear Hayley and Caroline whispering together.
"Who's Damon?" Hayley whispers. I just realised that she's been here for two weeks but I've never actually told her Damon's name before.
"Elena's boyfriend" Caroline replies and stands up.

Damon climbs out of his car and he looks rough, not himself and I can smell the drink on him. Even from here. Before I could even blink he was in the house.
"Did you miss me?" He asks me and Stefan stands in front of me and Caroline does the same.
"What do you want?" Stefan asks, I can hear the anger in his voice. I reach out and hold his hand,
"It's ok" I whisper and he nods but he doesn't take his guard down.
"So, you're finally back?" I ask moving closer to Damon. Crossing my arms over my chest.
"Yeah. I have a job to do" so he didn't even come back for me.
"What's that?" I try to sound unbothered.
"Kill my baby bro" suddenly I'm being pushed back and I'm in the air. I was just about to crash into the fireplace when Hayley catches me and we both fall onto the floor.
"Thanks" I whisper and I stand up and hold my hand out and pull Hayley up. She nods her head to thank me and we look over to Stefan tackling Damon to the floor and Caroline on the floor with a piece of wood incredibly close to her heart. I rush over,
"This is gonna hurt like a bitch, Care" she grabs my hand and I use my spare hand to pull the wood out of her and she screams. Luckily Caroline heals faster then me and she's standing up quickly and we run over to pull Stefan off Damon.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asks Hayley.
"None of your business" she replies Damon doesn't know she is a hybrid. He lunges at her but she avoids him and he crashes into a table.
"Can't you do anything, Damon?" a familiar voice says and we all look towards the door and Samuel walks through the door way with a red haired woman behind him.
He walks in with a sinister smile and looks right at me. "What did I tell you to do?" He smirks at me and looks to Damon.
"Grab Elena and stop anyone who protects her" Damon smirks at me and he jumps to me but before he can reach me Stefan has grabbed him in mid air and they crash into the fireplace. Me, Caroline and Hayley pull Damon off Stefan and throw him across the room and I help Stefan up and he stands in-front of me, to protect me. He's gonna get himself killed trying to protect me. Damon stands up and starts walking towards Hayley,
"Now you..." Damon points to Hayley. "What are you?" Damon smirks but is very confused and hasn't connected the dots that she is a hybrid.
Damon jumps to her again but she grabs his throat and slams him onto the floor "someone a lot stronger then you, so don't push it" Hayley smirks and her eyes flash yellow and she lets go of his throat.
"Now this is peculiar" Samuel says in his old accent.
Samuel picks Damon up. He keeps his eyes on Hayley, he laughs. "Oh I thought they were a myth but it's true, isn't it? Your speed and strength is that of a vampire but yet you are standing in the sunlight, without anything to protect you. Yet your eyes glow like a werewolf but a normal werewolf couldn't take on a vampire of his age when it's not the full moon.
"A werewolf who isn't beholden to the moon. A vampire who doesn't burn in the sun. A true hybrid." Samuel laughs and walks closer to Hayley. "I thought they were just myths but then again so are vampires and werewolf's, so why not both. Fun trivia for you, half-breed. Before my late father passed he told me all about such myths as yourself...and how to kill them." He flashes his white teeth and before anymore us has time to react he has Hayley on his side of the room. In his arms. We all lunge forward but Samuel sticks his hand in-front of us. "Wouldn't do that if I were you" he laughs. Hayley tries to break free but even with her extra strength his accent suggests he has been on this earth for centuries. "Now to kill half-breeds you have to rip their heads off or rip their heart out" He smirks.
"Look... what do you want from us?" I ask.
"I want you, Miss Gilbert" he laughs.
"That's not happening" Stefan says jumping to my defence. Caroline moves closer to me as well. Samuel notices her protection to me and he looks at the red haired girl and back to Caroline. Before I even blinked Caroline has been stabbed, just missing her heart by an inch.
"Caroline!!!" I scream. Hayley tries to break free again but Samuel pulls her tighter. I look to Caroline who is being held up and Hayley. I don't even know Hayley that well but Rebekah does, I've already screwed her over once. I can't have her waking up one day and realising that I'm the reason her friend is dead.
"Ok... you can have me" I scream.
"Oh... that was easy" Samuels smile drops. He turns to Damon, "do me a favour before you grab Elena. Kill your brother" Samuel smiles evilly.
"What? NOOO!!!" I scream. Damon lunges to Stefan and I jump in front of Stefan and I feel a sharp pain, I look down and see Damons' hand wrapped around my heart. Blood starts pouring out of my mouth.
I can hear Caroline screaming, Hayley trying to escape and Stefan shouting and his arms wrapped around me holding me up. I look into Damons' eyes and it's not him. I mean yes Damon is standing right in front of me but it's not the Damon I know.
"You idiot. Not Elena. We need her" Samuel says. "Actually this is perfect" Samuel smirks. "Elena, take this as a  promise..." I look down and see Damon's hand still inside my chest, blood pouring out of my mouth. I'm holding back my screams of pain. I hear Stefan shouting at Damon. Caroline and Hayley struggling to move. "Now join me or they all die" Samuel reaches into Hayley's chest and grabs her heart, blood spills out her mouth. She screams out in pain. I look over to the Caroline and the woman has taken the wood out of Caroline but now has it pointed towards her heart.
"I've...already...said...yes" I struggle to say but I manage, blood pouring out of my mouth after every word.
"Let her go, Damon" Samuel says. I feel Damons' hand release and I fall back into Stefan and he holds me up.

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