Migarines am I right? pt:2

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Like how the hell?

I could barely stand, and this guy just gets up like laddefuckingda? Nah bitch. He can't flex his standing skills on me. But he did and I wasn't going to try and surpass him.

He rubbed his head and thats about it till he looked at the three who just entered. "Where's Jay?" Miller shrugged, "wasnt here when I woke up". Miller looked and sounded just chill. With everything going on how could he be just chill.

"Well aren't you worried?" Tim asked. Miller shrugged "he's a grown man, I'm sure he's just fine" May threw her pillow at him from where she was, which was impressive considering she was still face down.

"Miller there is a fucking....THING stalking us and trying to accomplish something probably bad! A grown man sure, but a sane one? A not stalked one? Have you thought about that?" Tim preached.

Miller didn't say anything. Tim grabbed some of his things a flat left slamming the door from behind him.

"What sticks up his ass?" Seen asked
Then we all were quiet. God was the silence awkward but I guess I wouldn't want to go and drag my other friends into this personalized hell.

It was silent for a little longer before Sam suggested we should watch TV. So we did.

I picked Mays head up and sat down putting her head back on my lap while others went to other seats. I turned the TV on to the news.

"Blah blah blah-weather report- blah blah blah-idiot tried to rob corner store-blah blah blah- recently found, highschool senior Luna Brokers was found murdered earlier evening believed to have been there for about a week, info on the case had not been provided yet but we will give you an update whenever are given this information. Also a number of 6 kids went missing yesterday where about unknown.

After that was said 6 pictures popped up on the screen with names and ages. The age length was From 3 to 7 and the gender was spilt equally between male and female.

I look at Sam and Seen with pity. They themselves were currently seniors but I don't think the fact that their class mate was found dead effected them much.

Seen on the other hand showed more remorse for the children. Unfortunately she has her own reasons.

Miller seemed to be taking notes of what was said so I decided to just change the channel to a movie.

(I seriously don't care what movie pick one and pretend they're watching it)

Maybe half way through the movie there was a knock on the door which Sam prided herself to open.

"Hey Seen, Sam, (Y/N)!"

I look towards the door. "Sebastian! What a pleasant surprise"

Sebastian, He's chef at the cafe, which hopefully will be repaired soon. He's also a senior, for some reason I cant have friends my age, which isn't a problem they are only like 5 years younger then me but you know.

"Really? My mom said only thing a woman would find pleasant from me is if I kept 20 feet easy from them, I don't smell that bad but she insists"

Sebastian walked in and we all just talked.
Then it got late and they had to head home. May had slept through it all and Miller had went home a while ago.

It wasn't an eventful day, but at least it was better then yesterday, actually, better then the last few months.

Hopefully Jay was ok.

Well, hopefully everyone was ok.

Ok so short chapter Because I wanted to give you guys an update. If you want I can write a side chapter on Samantha and Seen, but if not go read my book 'It'll get better' thank you and have a glorious day/night/noon.

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