Listening in

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At least she's finally someone I can trust.
She wouldn't betray me, she wouldn't lie to an all to serious extent....would she?

I walked up to the door and looked around for the spare key. When I couldn't find it I tried knocking, still no answer, I turned to Seen who sighed and lied Sam on the grass.
She walked up to the door to and, pick locked it.

thought I gave her a key but, hey, that's OK to...

Seen went back to pick up Sam and walked in after me.
I turned on the lights and Seen put Sam on the couch, getting the first aid kit and patching Sam up.

Honestly the girl acted like she lived here, which, she kinda used to I guess.

I sigh and run a hand up through my hair. I feel like Jessica before she up and left, she didn't tell me if she told anyone else but she said something about "not knowing what the hell was going on anymore" and "everyone seeming to change for the worse", cause honestly, I feel the same.

I look back at Seen and Sam for a moment before heading to the kitchen and making a few sandwiches and then cutting them into forths.
I eat a few and go back to the living room putting the plate on the table and sitting on an empty seat.

May wasn't here, guess she left.

My and Seen sat in silence but I could practically feel how much she was thinking.

"Hey Seen?"
She looked over at me and hummed. "You uh, seem, I don't know, kinda stressed?" Seen laughed a little and shook her head some sweat running down the side of her face.
"Me? Stressed? Please! You know I wouldn't be stressed!"
"Uh, huh, sure you wouldn't be"

We sink back into silence. I turn on the TV and decide the news is best.

"And now that we're back from that break boy do I have to say, our town has seen better Years!"
"I agree Martha, it seems the missing person's and murders have gone up significantly these past two, three years, not that they haven't been working themselves up earlier on,"
"Yeah, as of the last few years our town has had about 68 known murders, and not to mention the 'LipStick Killers' who supposably started here!"
"Indeed! Also, on this gloomy news, 4 missing persons have been reported " Miller Teltor 14" " George Sontain 15" and "Issac Merling 6" "Segateen Lexter better known as See-"

Seen grabbed the controller and turned off the TV. "Geez, why are you watching this crap Anyways? We could practically be the news at this point" I laugh a little then freeze. Did they say Miller? Millers a missing Kid?!

No, this could be any Miller... I don't think he ever mentioned a last name..

A pillow gets thrown into my face "yo earth to (Y/N)! You there?" Seen huffed a little and laughed "you seriously need sleep, You look Like a catipiller that missed its rebirth day then got ran over" "that doesn't even make sense" "I know" seen chuckled and layed down.

"we can stay here if ya want,with everything that's been going on lately, I figure you need some comfort"

I nod "yeah... Try not to get in trouble then, night" then I got up and went to my room to sleep.

When I woke up again it was maybe 8 in morning so what a better time to not wake up in the middle of the woods. I got out of bed but stopped when I heard them talking, easedropping is bad yeah but sometimes I can't help it.

"We're not dragging them into this"
"And if He says we have to?"
"Then we defie him"
"Abousltly not"
"You already broke your promise once!"
"It was a mission"
"You killed that boys sister"
"Its part of the plan"
"He has no one now! How did you feel when you lost your family?!"
"He has his mom and dad"
"His dads a bitch and his mom stands back!"
"Then we let Our leader tell us what to do with him from there"
"Yes, besides, you have defied orders enough lately"
"No I haven't!"
"I told you to leave that man to.die last time, and you didn't"
"He has potential and besides your not my boss, besides, as long as he trainees under me he's allowed to stay"

I stopped listening. Are they one of them? Who are they talking about? Are they over running a script? Please oh please be a script.

I climb back into bed, as one does when ever thinking, and lay there. I can trust them. I can trust them, right?

Sorry folks its a little short but I decided to make a quick chapter as I need to update a few of my others stories to. Cya.

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