I grabbed her and put her arm around me and we started going down the street she was right we couldn't trust anyone we kept going down and we went up to a house that was pretty far from where we were. I knocked on the door. The person opened to door and they looked shocked and confused.
"Can we" and then I fell and went unconscious.Now:
Your POV:
When colby went unconscious I started to freak out the person called the ambulance and then police I went down and held colby praying he would be okay.
When the police and ambulances got there they started asking me questions while the paramedics were checking out my leg I had a blanket wrapped around me since my clothes were pretty ripped up and I didn't know what to say I was in shock that we were out and honestly very scared but I told them everything and they asked me show them the house and that's what I couldn't do I started to hyperventilate wishing colby would come and help me they put colby in another ambulance.
"No no he can't leave I have to be with him please we were in there together I need him please" I told them. The police officer told them to wait a few minutes. I told them where they were they said they would ask me a lot more questions when we got to the hospital.
I went in the ambulance with help getting in and Immediately grabbed Colbys hand I wasn't sure if they called anyone we knew yet. I wasn't worried about anyone else besides colby.
"Will he be okay?" I asked.
"Yeah we do believe so he went unconscious because of the loss of blood but we gave him more and stitched up his head so we just have to wait till he wakes up and we have to run a couple test to make sure" the paramedic said smiling. I nodded.At the hospital:
Me and colby were in the same room I made them put us together they had to check my leg and give me x-rays I guess I had a broken arm, and so I had a cast I couldn't believe I didn't even feel it yeah it hurt because the guy kicked me in the ribs but I didn't think I broke one. They just said I had to have lots of rest. One of the nurses came in and checked on colby and me.
"Do you guys have someone we can call ?" I shook my head.
"I don't remember any phone numbers and all I know is are his friends name" I told them.
"That's okay we can track" she said.
"Sam Golbach, Jake Webber..." I told her every name I knew all his friends and the only reason I knew all of them is because I watched his videos.
Once she left I looked over at colby smiling I was so glad we got out together.
I saw colby start to move around.
"Colby? Colby it's y/n!" I said I tried to lean over but everything did hurt. I pushed the nurse button with my good hand. She came running in.
"Is everything okay ?" She asked.
"He's starting to wake up" I told her she walked over to him.Colbys POV:
I slowly opened my eyes I was having A bad headache once my eyes were opened I saw some random lady and I almost punched her. I screamed. She moved back.
"Do you know your name sir or where you are ?" She asked.
"My name is Colby Brock" I started to look around and saw y/n I smiled I was happy she was with me and I saw the cast on her arm and body realizing we were in a hospital. "We are in a hospital not sure which one" I said looking at y/n. "Your okay ?" I asked reaching my hand to hers.
"Yeah just a broke rib and arm are you?" She asked trying to reach my hand too. I nodded.
"Hey um can you move us closer?" I asked the nurse. She smiled and nodded and she left to go get the doctor. I grabbed her hand.
"They are calling Sam and everyone" she told me.
"Who are they calling for you?" I asked.
"I don't really have anyone" she said.
"What about your mom and dad you lived with them" I said.
"They probably don't even know I'm gone like I told you they only care about themselves " she said looking down.
"Heyy y/n when we get out of here come stay with me I honestly don't want to be without you and I think it's good for both of us for awhile if your up for it." We smiled at eachother she nodded.
"The officers are supposed to come to both us again and ask questions." She said.
"Did they catch those bastards?" I asked.
"I'm not sure we left before I saw I told them where they were though and mostly everything" she said.
"Hey Y/n can I tell you something?" I asked. I wanted to tell her that I loved her for real that I wanted to be with her and not in a basement tied up somewhere open where she knew I was really in it with her.

Kidnapped with him. (Finished!)
FanfictionYou get kidnapped but your not alone your tied up with a man (Colby) But you can't see eachother because you are both blindfolded you end falling in love with eachother but once you get out will life ever be the same ?