Welcome, Alexander

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Alex's POV-

Alexander Hamilton was a young man of great renown. He was finally able to go where his passions were taking him. College. he was looking for his dorm when he hit something and fell to the ground.

 He sat up and shook his head. When he opened his eyes he found a boy with a black hoodie, jeans and white tennis shoes. His brown curly hair was tied back in a ponytail. "Hey, i'm sorry for knocking you over. are you alright?" They said at the same time. The boy had his hand on Alex's shoulder and had a look of empathy. "Are you looking for something?" He asked. "O- Oh, well....I'm t-trying to f-find my dorm." Alex wanted to throw himself off a bridge for stuttering like that. The boy's empathetic face turned to a smile. "Oh, o-okay. what's the number?" The boy helped Alexander up and he tried to keep the blush from being too visible on his cheeks. "1776" Alexander answered. "Oh, sweet! That's my dorm! Come on, i'll show you around." 

Alex hid his feelings with a smile. He was the cutest boy he had ever met, but he was obviously straight, so it was another situation where he had to compress his feelings with and never show how he truly felt. When he finally snapped back into focus, The boy was opening the door to the dorm and directing  him to an empty room. All that was there was a queen size bed frame and a plain white mattress sitting on it. "My name is John, if you need help with anything, i'm in my dorm room!" John smiled and walked out, closing the door behind him. Alex almost fell to the ground. HOW COULD SOMEONE BE THIS PRECIOUS? He regained his composure and set up his bed, unpacking. He didn't leave his room for about 3 hours, he was too busy unpacking.

John's POV-

John closed the door behind him and walked back to his room, collapsing onto his bed and letting out a long sigh. "wow. that's a pretty cute STRAIGHT GUY." John said to himself. "My gay need for a boyfriend shall never be satisfied. i will never be satisfied." He took his favorite blanket. it was fluffy and had green designs on it, making it look like a turtle shell. he threw it over himself and hid every inch of his body underneath it. "why mmeeeeee" he whined. He wrapped himself up and walked to the corner of the room, where a very large tank sat. it was filed with 7 turtles. 3 adults and 4 babies. Next to the tank was a table with a doll bathtub, a towel and some bottles of food. he took one of the baby turtles and placed them in the bath. He took a water bottle and filled the small tub up with water and put some turtle safe soap in the tub. He had a dish sponge he cut the rough green part off of and used the yellow part to wash the turtles, and usually just threw the green part away. He carried the turtle onto the towel, making sure there were no more suds left, and put him back in the tank with the other turtles, continuing the process with the others. 

A.N.- Hey! this was really short but i really like how this is going. if you like this story so far, vote and comment and i might continue. 

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