Oh yeah i'm backk

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Alex's POV- 

Alex lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, When a knock at his door was heard. Alex sat up and walked over,  When he opened it,  John stood there smiling. "Hey..uh...I never got your name." Alex nodded and smiled. "Oh! I'm Alexander Hamilton." Alex told. John smiled and blushed, but it was unnoticeable. "Small talk, What's your favorite animal? Mine is a turtle." John asked him. Alex stood in silence for a moment, thinking. "Uh... A fox" Alex smiled bright, And john chuckled "This is a pretty random question but...D- do you support LGBTQ+ people?" John asked, not making eye contact. Alex nodded. "but i'm straight." He said "Oh." John sighed "STRAIGHT UP BISEXUAL!" Alex laughed. John covered his face with his hands and turned red, And Alex sat in silence. "Wh- what about you?" Alex asked, John looked at him again and put down his hands, His blush now definitely visible. "i- i'm just gay." Alex flinched and also went red. "Oh cool." John chuckled awkwardly and shook his head, regaining his composure. "Where is your family from?" John asked innocently. Alex stopped and went pale. memories flooding back. "Unimportant." He shook the thoughts out of his head. "What are you studying?" Alex asked him. "Ah! I'm studying art, you?" John finally smiled again, And Alex looked back at the the turtle boy, also feeling more comfortable. "I'm studying law, I've been pursuing it since i was a kid." Alex overshared, as usual. "Oh, right. I was going to tell you that some of my friends were coming over in a while, I wanted to introduce you!" John told him. "That would be nice." Alex responded, blushing. Hearing John's voice was soothing to Alex. "Hey, wanna chill on the couch and watch a movie?" John asked him, Holding up a few DVD boxes. "I'll let you pick..." John grinned. Alex wasn't about to throw away his shot to get closer to John. He walked out of his room and sat on the couch, John sat next to him, handing him the stack of DVDs

Time skip because i don't know what to write

When they snapped back into focus, they were still on the couch, cuddling each other. Neither of them knew how it happened. They didn't even know what happened. They heard a knock at the door. "Mon ami, are you home?" A voice with a prominent french accent asked from outside, the voice was accompanied by a soft knock on the door. Suddenly a more loud and violent series of knocks pounded on the door. "YOU IN THERE?" A different voice asked. This voice was deeper. "I'm coming, calm down." John chuckled. He opened the door and the boys came barreling in. "We have some ne-" The french boy's words were cut off by the other boy, He was pointing at Alex. "OOOO JOHN YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU GOT A BOYFRIEND~!" Alex was left red and panicking, face buried in a throw pillow. "HE'S- UGH- " John turned red and covered his face with his arm. "I ship it." The french baguette snickered, then walked over to Alex. "So, you must be Alex!" The french boy smiled. "I'm Lafayette or Laf, and him over there is Hercules, or Herc." Alex nodded. "John we have some important news." Laf walked back over to John and Hercules. "I know this is gonna make you freak out but..." John cocked his head to the side, and gave a confused look. "It's official, We're dating!" Hercules picked Lafayette up bridal style and they held their arms in the air. "OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" John squealed. "I KNEW IT!" John laughed and cried a little too. They pulled each other into a group hug. Under his breath, John whispered. "I hope my love story is this magical."

A.N.~ Okay this was a really fluffy chapter, but enjoy it while you can because the next one is gonna be LONG AND EXTTTTTRRRRRRREEEEEEEMLY TRAGIC. You have been warned

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