Chapter 5

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A/N: Daniel^^^ I thought it would be best to do these chapter from Derick's point of view. So you get the idea of what he saw and how he felt when he found Cami.

-Derick's P.O.V.-

I was walking out of the restaurant when I saw a suspious van by an nearby alley. Feeling as though something bad was happening I snuck up closer to find out what was going on. This is probably where the saying 'Curiosity killed the cat & satisfaction brought it back' came from.

As I got closer, I saw someone guys laying a battered body in the alley. I pulled my phone out snapping some pictures of the guys moving the body and the van, making sure to get the license plate. The guys hurried back to the van and drove off.

I figured I should at least check if the person was still alive. I quickly put my phone away and made my way to the alley. The body lay on the other side of a big dumpster, as I walked closer I realized the body was Cami. My heart stopped, I knelt down beside her too scared to find out if she was dead.

Just as I was about to touch her neck to check her pulse, she made a small whimper. I let out the breathe I had unconsciously been holding. I pulled my phone back out and started dialing 9-1-1 when Cami murmured something. I leaned down closer to her.


"Don't leave me, please." She murmured in a scared, broken voice. I leaned back and thought about what to do. Finally I decided to take her home. Slowly I carefully picked up Cami and took her to my car.

When I got home, I laid her down on my bed. I needed to get my mom. Picking up the house phone I dialed her cell number.

"This is Dr. Ryder."

"Mom, I need help."

"Derick, sweetie what's wrong?" Her voice full of panic. I explained to her what had happened and she said she'd get here as soon as she could.

Thirty minutes later my mom came barreling through the front door. She had me take her to where I'd laid Cami down. My mom then began clean Cami's injuries and had me get the first aid kit.

When I got back with it, she had me go wait in the living room. I tried my best to distract myself with the TV but it didn't work that well. What did they do to her? What if I hadn't been the one to find her?

About an hour later, my mom can into the room and I stood up. I guess there are purks to having a doctor for a mom and a lawyer for a dad. 

"Well sweetheart, as far as I can tell she has some broken ribs, a broken wrist, a broken nose, and a whole other issue."

"What other issue?"

"I need to talk the her parents or legal guardian."

"Um...I don't know her parents. I can get a hold of some one who does though."

"That would be great.".

'Hey Dimitri'

'Hey Derick'

'Do you happen to know where Cami Anderson lives?'

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