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My eyelids felt like they were glued together as I attempted to open them. As I grew more conscious I became aware of the dull pain that lingered in my skull.

I sat up slowly and while my vision was a little blurry I noticed that the bed was not my own. The room was extravagant with cream colors and gold accents.

"Where am I?" I said to myself, my heart raced as I quickly stood up.

Big mistake.

I wobbled on my own and leaned on this golden nightstand for support. I had to remember what Eddy taught me, when I was in trouble I was supposed to find any means to protect myself.

Around the room, everything was much more expensive than I was used to, a simple chess board was made of gold. I managed to find something through a small icepick, it wasn't much but I had to get out of here, no matter what it took.

Just then the door knob started to turn, I quickly sat back on the bed and prepared myself for escape. Much to my surprise the man who stepped through the large door was the Governor of Havana and two armed guards.

It's no good, they have weapons and I'm terribly outnumbered.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

The Governor chuckled as he sat down in one of the intricately designed chairs, his guards followed close behind him and stood at both his sides.

"James Kidd. What do you know of him?" he asked, the smile he once had dissipated into a stern frown.

Of course, he was after James, he's one of the most known pirates in the world.

"I've seen him around Havana once. You don't think I mingle with the pirate type do you Governor?" I asked coyly.

"I see. My apologies Miss...Um"

"Elizabeth." I said.

My fake name wasn't that far from my own but I feared if he knew my real name he would somehow tie me to my brother. That was a bigger fish to fry in my humble opinion.

"Miss Elizabeth, the pirate in question is a dirty assassin and since he seems to have taken a liking to you I cannot release you. You will attend tonight's ball, any attempts to run will result in yours or Kidds demise. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" the governor said, he sounded like a father scolding his child.

His attempts to strike fear in me went noticed but I was unphased. I've stared down a man whom everyone fears and called him a whiny baby. No old man in a fancy suit is going to scare me, no matter how bold his threats and how armed his guards.

Also what on earth was an assassin and why was James involved with them?

The governor stood from his chair and began to leave the room, his guards eyed me suspiciously.

"And under the circumstances where you find yourself in poor health?" I asked.

The old man stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, he stifled a laugh.

"I assure you, that will not be the case." he said before he and his guards marched out of the room.

The window was probably high up but if there were any trees I could possibly slide down one of those. I could hold one of these maids hostage but I'm almost positive that they hold no importance to the governor.

"Miss Elizabeth, these dresses are for you." One of the maids called out from the door, two more maids entered my room and set beautiful gowns on the bed.

I stood from my bed and handed my icepick to one of the maids, who gave me a stranged shocked look. If I was to have my life toyed with by these big players I should at least have some sort of control.

His Pirate PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now