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"Edward I'm sure she's fine, she's a smart lass." Mary said as she massaged my shoulder, we were just about to dock in Havana. Due to my growing anxiety about Evelyn's wellbeing we left our honeymoon, Mary said she didn't care but I know she did.

I was worried about Evelyn, I trust her, I do but I don't trust these evil people that lurk in the shadows. Men like me and some even worse. I wasn't feared all over the world for no reason, I knew what they said about me. I knew the stories parents told their children about me, tall tales about a black beard that's darker than the night.

"That she is, she's like our mother. Which is why she needs protectin'" I let out a heavy sigh. Mary picked up the book that lay on our bed stand, it was one of those fancy books that Evelyn loved. Never quite got it myself but I liked how excited she got about the damned things.

"You're a great big brother Edward but you worry too much." Mary said as she grabbed the book and pecked a small kiss on my forehead.

This woman was the love of my life and I would have to make up our honeymoon to her. No matter what it took.


As we both walked through the streets of Havana the eyes of the townsfolk eyed the two of us. I could hear their whispers, could feel their stares as they called me: "El Diablo"

I couldn't speak the language but I know what that meant.

"The lot of them, sick dogs with their tails between their legs." I grumbled. Mary laughed but, her laughter was cut short as we neared the little house that I bought for my dear sister.

There were Spanish guards patrolling the area, armed and all. They had already infiltrated the place, they threw most of her belongings out on the street and let the beggars have it.

As I neared with select members of my crew I could see whatever joy they took from ransacking the place leave their pathetic souls.

"The lot of you better have good reason." I growled all color drained from their faces.

One brave soul dared to speak up "The woman here was affiliated with an assassin s-sir. G-governor-took her but she escaped with the..." he hesitated and stalled.

"The what boy!" I shouted, the guardsmen jumped back.

"The assassin sir! Please, don't kill me!" he cried as he cowered in fear.

I wasn't going to kill them, not yet of course.

I pulled the guard towards me and unsheath my sword, I held the sword to his chin.

"What was his name?" I asked calmly.

The guard shook his head "I cannot tell your sir please!"

"If ye value your tongue," I held the guard's jaws as he spoke, "You will tell me boy."

The lad was on the verge of passing out "James Kidd sir please!"

James, James Kidd? That weasley little bastard ran off with my sister?

"Kill them all!" I said as I made a quick end for the guard that was generous enough to give me answers.

The rest of my crew finished off the few guards that were foolish enough to stick around. My heart was racing, I saw red and that's wasn't just because of the blood.

Mary tried her best to calm me down but I was past conversation.

"Devil save him before I find him. I will kill James Kidd, if it's the last thing I do." I huffed as I stormed back to the Queen Anne's Revenge.

James Kidd would feel my wrath.


"Just hold it like that and don't let go alright?" I instructed as I held Evelyn's small hands under mine as she tightly gripped the helm.

"James," she groaned "It's too bright out here I hate it."

She woke up with her first-ever hangover, while she was in denial about getting drunk it was clear that I was the victor of our little bet. I have yet to decide what I wanted her to do for the bet, something scandalous probably.

"You drank like a fish. Now slowly turn right." she did so with a small yawn on her lips.

"I have the strangest feeling that I said something...out of character last night." even from behind her I could see the blush on her cheeks.

Flashes of how tempting she was the night before filled my mind. She had no clue how out of character she behaved, I was perfectly in character. In character enough to want to...

"You were like a cat in heat lass." I laughed.

"I hope you're pulling my leg." she chuckled but the blush stayed on her face.

I moved from behind her and placed my hand on my forehead in the most dramatic fashion that I could manage.

"I want you to do to me what you did to those other girls. You're so handsome and I'm so lucky to have you." I mocked her posh accent.

"Dear God, I don't know what's scarier. Drunk me or you pretending to be me." she laughed, how I loved her laugh it was like music to my ears.

I cleared my throat after I caught myself staring at her for a little too long.

"You excited for Kingston?" I asked a blush crept onto my features. I occupied myself with some rope that was left near the helm.

She nodded "What are we doing in Kingston?"

I hesitated and bit my lip as I contemplated my options. How do you nicely tell someone that you're about to raid a plantation? How do you not worry someone you love when you might die in the process?

"Just business, Kenway will be there as well." I offered.

Thankfully Evie didn't press matters anymore, she was probably used to it. Her bother being Blackbeard and all.

I noticed her staring at me with a blush firm on her cheeks "Can you not do that?"

I furrowed my brow "Do...what?"

"You bite your lip and its distracting." she said, her eyes focused on the sea instead of me.

I laughed "What is with you and these tendencies out of nowhere lass? All you have to do is say the words." I teased and she shook her head.

"I don't think so James Kidd." she said as she leaned on the helm, I kissed her cheek.

She walked away from the helm and wrapped her arms around my neck. She peppered tiny kisses all over my face, I held her close to me. In these small moments, I felt like it was only us in the entire world, I could do anything with her right here by my side.

I kissed her again and again when I pulled away I stared into those beautiful brown eyes that sparkled more than the sea at sunrise.

"James, I love your enthusiasm but..." Evie whispered as she discreetly pointed to our crew.

When I looked over they all clapped and cheered like idiots.

"Back to work!" I shouted while trying to conceal my laugh.

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