Losing The portal

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You stood still, Not knowing what to do. As the closet door creaked open wider, you saw the persons face)

Irene - Long time no see y/n. (she said coming out of your closet.)
You- Irene?! What are you doing in my closet? (you stood up crossing your arms together)
Irene- Looking-for-this (Holds up the snow globe) I knew the one in your living room was a fake so I searched your house. But it so happened that you fought the werewolves faster than I thought you could. That's why I hid behind your closet and once you told your boyfriend (rolls eyes) that you've hidden the snow globe in your closet, I was overjoyed. When they left I crept into your closet and that's when you entered. Pathetic.
You- I'm warning you. You don't wanna mess with me.
Irene - (scoffs) well then.... catch me if you can. (smirks)
(Irene runs out of the window in your room)
(you knew it was getting dark but you had to chase her because you promised Jeno that you would not lose the snow globe and you don't like to disappoint )
(You jumped out of your window, standing on the railing. You flinched because you were on a hight)
(You slowly released your wings and flew down and blocked Irene's way)
(Irene stopped, her face still serious. In a sudden moment she bends down almost as if she's kneeling. When she let's out her wings, you realized that she's a vampire as she had bat wings.
Irene had her evil smile, showing her fangs. An upside down cross formed on her forehead, her eyes turning grey. )
Irene- You want it, then get it. (she tossed the snow globe from one hand to another)
(You took a step closer to her at once but someone pounced on you at that second. And threw you to the ground)
(You cringed as you saw a pair of green eyes right in front of your face)

 And threw you to the ground) (You cringed as you saw a pair of green eyes right in front of your face)

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(It was Rose. Her eyes were glowing green. the more you stared at it, the weaker you felt)
(you pushed her out of the way)
(she crossed her arms, one over the other and suddenly shape shifted into a snake)
(you were shocked as you didn't know that she was a snake)

(she hissed and crawled next to Irene. And transformed back to herself)
Rose- (looks at Irene) Finally we got the globe! let's take it to the boss.
You- NO WAY! 
Irene - (chuckles) you won't be able to get this now. Better give up.
You- you wish. (you immediately flew towards her in full speed but Irene flew straight into the sky)
(you stopped in you tracks) "uhggg"
(Rose who transformed into a huge snake came from behind you and swirled her tail tightly around your waist. It was slowly getting tighter, you tried to get it out but the more you struggled the more you found it hard to breathe.)  (You quickly blew fire out of your mouth and aimed it straight at the tail coiled round your waist. Even though it wasn't much, It was enough to loosen the grip)
Rose - Sssssssss
You swiftly escaped and flew to find Irene. She wasn't there, you looked around you and saw a shadow far away. You rapidly flew there , she was gliding speedily that you were a metre away from her.
You tried to catch up to her but she kept speeding up.
Finally she slowed down. That's when you realized that you were in front of a castle

 That's when you realized that you were in front of a castle

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Irene jumped to the ground and ran inside, you did the same.
You knew you were getting yourself in trouble but you had no other choice. Just as you got into the castle,you were pinned against the wall by a guy.
(He looked at you with his evil eyes while he told Irene)
???- Good Job Irene! Our plan worked. We got her right where we wanted.
(He came closer and whispered in your ear)
???- Come with me~
(you could feel his breath on your neck and his deep-deep voice sent shivers down your spine. You came to know that it was the werewolf.)
You- N-No
???- Are you sure?
(Irene gave him the globe)
???- you don't wanna lose this globe. I'll give it to you if you follow my orders. NOW Come with me.  (grabs your wrist tightly)
You- ahh let go!
???- Not so easily baby...(smirk)
(he took you to a big room, where you saw 7 werewolves, 2 huge thrones and a big red diamond )
???- Silly me, I forgot to introduce my self...
(As he was talking, without him noticing you grabbed your necklace)
(At first you thought that you were just dealing with Irene and Rose but taking down 8 werewolves....Not gonna be easy)
JENO POV.                                                  

(Jeno was with his brothers at his palace talking to his dad.)
(They were deciding on changes to make around the area)
Jeno - Can me make this room bigger? And instead of the rooms where we keep prisoners, we should remove the cages and turn it into a huge ballroom. (He said excitedly)
Haechan- why?  For you and Y/n to dance together? (wink)
Jeno - (blushes) stopppp
His dad - (laughs) Of course Do whatever you want. Uhh.... Son? Is that a magic bracelet on your wrist...because it keeps glowing.
(Jeno's smile disappears as he looks at the bracelet worried)
Jisung- abbeoji, we need to go. Y/ns in danger. We need to help her.
His dad- Oh my...Go Go. We can talk about this tomorrow.
Renjun- Thanks dad...
(They immediately rushed out of the palace to find you.)


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