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(You woke at 5 am because You had a horrible nightmare)
(you couldn't stop thinking about last night)
( You went downstairs, you're parents were still asleep so you decided to eat something.)
Timeskip 8 :00
You- Mom I'm going to Mina's house
Mom- What about Jeno, he was supposed to go with you.
You - But he's late, and I don't like to wait. So I'm going now. If he stops by then tell him that I'm at her house
(by 8 O'clock you went to Mina's house )
(you were puzzled when you saw that there were policemen, an ambulance and a few people standing outside the house)
(you walked over to one of the police officer )
You- Excuse me Sir, Did something happen here?
Officer- A family that lives here has been murdered
You- (You let out a huge gasp as your eyes widened with fear) No no that can't be true, Did anyone survive?
Officer - No I'm sorry. were you close to them?
You- ( looks down with tears in her eyes) y-yeah..... 
(you saw them carrying the dead bodies into the ambulance)
(you overheard a policemen talking)
Officer 2- It seems like they had been dead since yesterday.
Officer 3- yes, probably around 7 O'clock last night.
Officer 4- The neighbors didn't hear any sounds or screams.
Officer 2- Did you check the security camera?
Officer 1- Yeah but I can't see the face clearly of the killer, it's a bit blurry since it was slightly raining. He/she came to the house at 6:45 pm , the family let him/her inside the house politely which means they knew the person. and that person poisoned them. Except the daughter who was stabbed to death.
(You're eyes were filled with anger and sadness, you slowly turned around to go back home with your head down while tears kept falling to the ground )
(you walked straight when you felt like you hit something. You looked up and saw Jeno)
Jeno - I'm so sorry Y/n. I came here before you so that I could find out what happened and I didn't know how to tell you all this. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling. (hugs you tight)
You- H-How c-could (sniffs) this h-happen? (you managed to say while crying) it's, it's all M-My F-fault
Jeno- Stop blaming yourself, I know you are doing everything you can to help. And you're not alone. You know that right?
You- (looks away and nods) yeah...
Jeno- Come, let me take you home. (he said as he put his arm around your shoulder)
(You didn't say a word while walking, your eyes were blurry because of the tears) (it's was very silent) (That's when realization hits you) (A loud gasp escaped from your mouth)
You- (whisper) oh.. My....G-God
Jeno - (looks at you) Are You alright?
You- Everything is getting so Complicated! I don't understand. (you hold your head in frustration)
Jeno- what do you mean? What can't you understand?
You- (Takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself) I overheard a police officer saying that everyone was killed at the time 7 O'clock.
Jeno- Um.. Yeah, so?
You - The time I got a call from Mina was at 9:00. So if she died at 7 how can she call me at 9 and ask me to meet her in the park.
Jeno- (eyes widened) oh my, that's right! We should check the footage.

(You and Jeno were searching through the CCTV footage)
Jeno- Right there! (Points at the screen) If you notice, Mina opened the door and if you looked carefully you can see that she seems to be happy. Maybe it's one of her friends.
You- Exactly,  And that friend is wearing a brownish hoodie, you can tell its a girl because she's has a bracelet hanging down her wrist.
Jeno- And if you see in the corner out the house you can see someone standing there. But it's too dark to see who it is.
You- it seems as if She/he is on the lookout.
Jeno- Let's see the footage when you went to the house at 10pm probably.
(You look at the footage and see yourself talking to Mina's brother )
You- Something doesn't quite add up here.
(you looked closely and watch the exact moment you left.)
Jeno- Pause it!
You- Whoa!
(You saw that when you left the house Mina's brother and her mother's eyes changed to a dark shade of green as a smirk was shown on their face)
Jeno- So technically it wasn't the parents who answered the door, it was someone else.
(A shiver ran down your spine)
Jeno- whoever it was, must be a good shape shifter.
You - I need to find them! Anyhow.
Jeno- Do you know any of Mina's friends?
You- (thinks) um....wait!  Irene and Rose.

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My Demon guardian- Jeno Nct FF [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now