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5 PM

'Layla, can you take this box to the back for me?'

'Aren't you the boss tho?' she smiled at me as she took the box, walking towards the back room. Friday nights were always the busiest and Layla always came in early to help me set the bar up; spending the extra time with her was more than worth it. 

'Slim, did you know we are out of the mango margarita mix?' 

'No, i literally just ordered two boxes last week. What the hell you mean we're out?' 

'As in there is none, no boxes, no packs, nothing.' 

'Can you put these cups up and i'll go check the back.' 

'Yea, if you find them i apologize in advance if i missed them.'

Layla was always so sweet, she was one of the big reasons why my bar ran so smoothly. Six years ago when i opened my bar and Layla walked in to interview as a waitress, i instantly fell in love with her. She was drop dead gorgeous, her caramel brown skin, her dimples when she smiles, those beautiful hazel eyes that could capture your soul. Now her body was a different story, it takes everything in me not to pick her thick ass up, slam her against the wall and make love to her. 

"Slim's Rooftop Bar, Layla speaking how can i help you?" 

"Wassup? Is Slim there?" 

"May i ask who's calling?"

"Its Dex." 

"Give me one minute." 

'Quinton, Dex is on the phone for you.'

'Ight, I'll be there in a minute.'

What the hell does this nigga want now? Dexter has been my boy since we were ten, he helped me open up my bar after i moved up here but he is also i pain in my ass when it comes to running the money through the bar. 

"What the hell you want nigga?" i asked rolling my eyes as i leaned against the counter. 

"See you always gotta be an asshole. I was calling to tell you to come open the fucking door." 

I walked to the front door and there stood Dexter with the goofiest smile on his face. I knew he had something up his sleeve just buy the look on his face, i really don't need his shit right now.

"You still in love with that fine ass waitress?" i slapped the back of his head as we walked into the bar. 

"Hello Beautiful, how is this knuckle head treating you? I know you're underpaid." Layla laughed as she gave Dexter a hug, picked up a tray of candles and started setting up the tables for the night. 

"What are you doing here Dex?" i asked between gritted teeth trying to keep a smile for Layla. 

"Why the hostility? I'm not here to mess up anything, so relax." Dex said as he patted my shoulder. 

I watched Dexter walk out my bar, I knew he was up to something it was just a matter of finding out what it was. It wasn't that i didn't trust him; he was my best friend. It was the fact that I know him all too well  and whenever he came to 'visit' there was always some type of trouble he's gotten himself into that i needed to get him out of. I had lot of my own problems that i had been dealing with and now was not the time for Dex to come to town and stir up trouble. 

"Quinton!" Layla yelled, catching my attention. 

I looked at her standing in front of me, and i couldn't contain myself. It had been  weeks since i had seen her, and she was teasing me. I had been out of town for the last few weeks; and right before i left our friendship made a very unexpected turn. Her and Declan, her douche bag boyfriend had gotten into some kind of fight, she came to the bar to vent and we started drinking, we smoked a blunt, next thing i know i was kissing her. She didn't even pull away or stop, I always wondered if the feelings i have for her were mutual; and in that moment i knew that they were. We made love on the bar counter top. Unfortunately i had to leave that morning to go out of town for "business" so we didn't get to talk about anything; Layla couldn't come with me because she was the only person i trusted to run the bar for me while i was gone. While i was gone she called me and we talked and ever since then i've been waiting to get home to her. As far as her and Declan, i made it very clear to her when she picked me up from the air port last night that their relationship was over. We haven't talked since last night, and i know she's teasing me on purpose. 

"What the fuck are you doing Layla?" I stated plainly, as i walked up behind her placing my hands on her waist. 

"Excuse me, WHO are you talking to like that!" She turned around with a smirk on her face, i knew her ass was doing this shit on purpose. I picked her up by her waist, as she wrapped her legs around mine; i started kissing her sweet lips, caressing her body as i carried her over to the bar top to relive our first night together. 

"Baby, stop." Layla softly said as she laid kisses on my lips. 

I looked at her, cause first of all "Don't you ever in your life tell me to stop!" I gritted between my teeth as i slammed her against the wall. 


Quinton was the only man that has ever made me feel this way, I knew from the moment we met that we would have a connection. Before Quinton left three weeks ago, he made love to me and that was an experience i will never forget. I catch my self day dreaming about that night, reliving his touch, his kisses, his hands all over my body. The way he just takes control is something i wasn't used to, not like with Declan or any one else. If i didn't stop him now, our entire staff would be walking in on us fucking. 

"Quinton, everyone is going to be getting here soon. Baby we can finish later." I whispered softly in his ear. 

He grunted as he pulled back, "Fine, but we will be finishing this later." He walked to the back to adjust himself. I hopped down off the bar and began to wipe it down with a smirk on my face. 

I was deeply hoping that Declan wouldn't show up tonight; since me and him broke up, he had been showing up to the bar every Friday night. He didn't know Quinton was back, so for his sake i hope he stays away. A bang on the door ripped me from my thoughts, it was 6:30 so i knew it was Natalie. 

"Took you long enough!" She smiled at me as i opened the door. 

"Well, i was a little busy cleaning, you know doing my job." I nudged her as we walked to the back. She didn't know about me and Quinton and i wasn't sure if he was ready to tell anyone about us. I wanted to respect his decision not only because he was my man, but also because he was my boss. I was also praying that this would not end badly. As Natalie and I walked to the employee locker room, we passed by Quinton's office. Him and Dexter were sitting in his office talking, we briefly locked eyes and instant chills went down my spine. 

"Layla." I heard Quinton call me back, me and Natalie walked back and into his office. 

As soon as we walked in, I noticed Dexter looking Natalie up and down. Natalie was single and all about her daughter, but that didn't mean i couldn't play match maker. 

"Yes, Quinton?" I asked slyly. He raised his eye brow at me, I knew I would pay for that later but I didn't care. 

"Are you staying til close or do you wanna leave early? Considering you've been running the place for the last three weeks, I'm not opposed to giving you an early night off." 

"I'll stay, this place needs me." I laughed, as I gave him a big smile. 

"Would it be okay if i stay til close Slim?" Natalie asked, I was the only person that called him Quinton. I liked having that power. 

"Of course, whatever you need cher." Quinton said with a genuine smile, he knew Natalie struggled sometimes with her daughter. He would do what he could to help her out. 

It was almost time to open, Natalie and I rushed to the back to get ready for work. Everyone else was already in the back getting ready or out front prepping for the night. Tonight should be interesting. 

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