The Women With Horns At My Door

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Shadows clung to the corners of your home. 

Seams of light dripped down the walls from where they had slipped through the windows, daintily painting strips across your otherwise grey walls.
A low grumble broke through the neighbourhood, the deep inks of the sky electrifying as each home trembled in its wake. 

However that wasn't urged you towards your front door, one barefoot meeting the jolt of cold flooring at a time. No, rather, the sloppy pounding of impatient knocking at your door is what brought you rushing down stairs, skin prickling against the merciless chill of an unforgiving Autumn night. 

The knocks at your door brought you hesitation. They instilled a wariness in your step. A wariness that wrung at the fingers curling into a precautionary fist as you moved forward to pull open your front door. 

You knew very few who would show up your door at this time without some sort of text or call. Whatever stood at your front step smelt like trouble, like the danger of the live electricity weaving itself amongst the stars as the storm brewed above. 

Even as lighting struck the air, it wasn't the amazing display of earthly power that knocked the oxygen from your lungs. Rather, the presence of a small rally of woman drenched in rain at your door at 4 in the morning sent you spiralling straight into the 'wtf' zone. 

Several groans, sighs and cheers of relief were your first greeting, before the woman closest to your door seemed to take the current introductory further into the actual introductory part. 

Cold eyes locked with your own and she promptly cleared her voice, instantaneously smothering out any other responses any of the other women were in the process of making. 

"Yes, Hello, I am Lucifer, and these are my... companions,  we are here in hopes of finding somewhere to stay?" 


You should have shut your door and gone back upstairs, gone back to sleep, called the police, something else. 

So why did you open your door?

Eleven, Eleven women who appeared as if they just left an anime convention explored your foyer with curious eyes, now no longer hidden amongst the shadows of the night with the light switched on, and dripping water all over your polished floors. 
Most, simply opted to find a seat (or simply sprawl to the ground in a heap like a certain group, whom you suspected were triplets) or venture uninvited into the rest of your house.

However, that left you with two other women by you. One, the woman with ivory horns spiralling towards the back of her skull who had previously introduced herself as Lucifer, scowled as she eyed you up and down, and another, taller, with pearly white teeth on display and a slack stance. 

You had a feeling you would be getting along with one of these women better than the other.

An irritated huff slipped past the former, and you levelled your tired gaze back with her. 

"Thank you for letting us in," she shifted to run her eyes across the room, checking up on what everyone was doing. "Your home isn't.... awful. But it'll do," The woman blinked, and suddenly she seemed far more exhausted than before, and you came to the realisation that she must have finally let herself relax. "Now, i'll be off to go choose my room. I want to get the best one available if we're going to be living here," she sighed, not bothering to spare another glance back as she strutted off upstairs.

You gaped. Hold up, what was this about them living with you? You let them in because it was cold, wet and late and they needed a place to stay- which you were happy to provide for the night, or a couple or nights! You never gave them permission to move in.

"Heya, that was pretty cool of you to just let us move in with you like that," you twisted to face the only woman left in your presence, wide eyed. She didn't seem to register the sceptical contortion of your face, her signature grin unfazed. "The name's Justice, by the way, if you were wondering."

You furrowed your eyes, as cool of a name as 'Justice' was, who were these people? You were beginning to think they were anime characters come to life.

"....Uh, yeah. I'm Y/n, nice to meet you?" Semi-awkwardly you greeted Justice back, mixed feelings wringing in your gut as you processed everything around you.

The white haired woman seemed to chuckle at something, probably the tone of your voice, before you tensed as she reached out to give your shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "Heh, thanks again. But anyyyyhooo," she hummed, " I think i'm gonna go hit the sack," she sighed, stretching her arms above her head as a yawn slipped past her lips. Curiously your eyes wandered downwards, to where her red blouse clung to her damp skin, and just a quickly darted your gaze back up in hopes she hadn't noticed. 
"It's been a long night, y'know," she continued, seemingly oblivious as she moved to laxly cross her arms in front of her chest. "Catch ya in the morning, hey?" she grinned, giving you a two fingered salute before slinking awaking from you and towards the pile of women dozing on your floor.

Your eyes followed Justice warily as she stopped  just as her boot stopped by the arm of one, jolting in what almost was surprise as if she hadn't previously realised they were there. Snickering, she brought two fingers to sit at her bottom lip, a whistle jolting the three awake and diverting everyone's attention towards Justice. 

The three previously sleeping women groaned, toppling off each other as the sat up, blinking away the sleep as they looked around.

Justice chuckled. "C'mon now Cerberus, there are better places to sleep," she mused, before continuing her journey upstairs, with the three scampering not far behind her. 

You wondered if it was even safe to go to sleep again, yet somehow you still found yourself  back in your room, toppling over into the haven of your blankets. Though this time you remembered to lock your door. It probably wouldn't stop anyone from murdering you while you slept, but at least it'd give you a couple of minutes to sinfully indulge on the rest of your snack stash before you had to go. 

Though the thought of possibly dying wasn't the biggest thing on your mind tonight, but rather, what exactly these strange women were. 
They'd shown up at your house, claiming to be demons (except the one in white clothing, who apparently was an angel, who you hadn't gotten a good look at at the time). You'd thought them crazy, obviously had to be some sort of strange group dressed up.

However you were 98% sure you just watched the Angel you didn't get to see before wander by, because you were pretty sure cos-players didn't have magical halo's hovering above their heads. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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