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( s2, ep 13  -  daddy issues )

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( s2, ep 13  -  daddy issues )



What exactly did he expect her to do about the fact that Tyler had found out about Damon murdering his uncle?

Walking towards the Mystic Grill Serena's dread grew as she spotted Caroline being approached by an unfamiliar woman who clearly had a bone to pick with the young vampire. As she got closer to the table, Serena noticed the woman's figure was posed for a fight, her fists clenching and unclenching every few seconds as she approached Caroline.

"Caroline!" Serena called out as she hastened her approach, catching the attention of both women.

Before the blonde vampire could say anything, the older woman stepped towards her, a strained smile appearing on her face.

"Excuse me. Caroline, right? I'm Tyler's friend, Jules." She introduced herself to the vampire before turning towards the unexpected company that had joined them, "And you must be Serena."

"Yeah, that's right...what can we do for you?" Caroline asked warily, a feeling of dread welling up in her stomach as she looked between Serena and her car, silently communicating what she naively hoped would be an easy exit.

"I'm looking for Tyler. Neither of you have seen him, have you?"

Caroline shook her head as she reached her car, opening the door and gesturing for Serena to do the same, "Not since earlier. Sorry."

"Can't say I have." Serena butted in as Jules seemed to take another step towards Caroline, "Perhaps you had better keep him on a tighter leash in the future...if you know what I mean."

Clearly, Jules did not appreciate the dog joke.

"I know you're both lying." Jules stated bluntly, finally dropping the false niceties.

"Really? How? Is that one of your little wolf tricks?" Caroline asked sarcastically, missing the subtle shake of the head Serena sent her as the siphon realised why the wolf was asking. She knew about Mason.

"Actually, it is." With that, the werewolf whipped out a spray bottle that allowed Caroline no time to react before she yelled out in agony, the telltale smell of vervain reaching Serena before the vampire's face began to blister and heal before blistering again in rapid succession.

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