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- Payton -

It's been about 3 weeks or so and Belva still hasn't opened her eyes. Oh how I miss those eyes of hers, just looking into mine when we had those moments together. Don't even get started on her smile.

Her smile is my favorite part of her. Those light pink lips just look so soft yet so plump. When she flashes me her teeth, they're just so bright. It can blind me and I wouldn't even care.

When she laughs or even giggles, it makes her even more perfect than she already is herself. Yeah, she can be feisty or even sass back at me, I wouldn't mind. Sometimes, she would show her sensitive side without knowing and I just feel the need to hug her, protect her.

The scent of her hair is unexplainable, that I could cuddle with her all day long. I also miss her voice just ringing in my ears. She can sing me to sleep every night if she wants too. I didn't even notice I was tearing up while smiling to myself. Belva, please wake up soon.

- Faith -

Ever since Belva hasn't been around, I've been very lonely. Yes, before she came I had friends. Unfortunately, they cut me out of their lives because they thought 'I hung out with Belva more than them'.

Pathetic am I right? I treated them all equally but noo. The last thing they said to me was "Good luck hanging out with your little human friend over there." From that day on, Belva had always blamed herself.

I kept on telling her that it wasn't herself but she still felt bad. How did I get such a lucky friend? I tried to hangout with the boys and Payton but the vibe was off without Belva. Everyday has always just been the same.

Boring. I just want my best friend back. When will she wake up? I miss her so much. Nothing cheered me up until I met two really hot guys at the cafe. Their names are Jafari and Ashton.

Jafari had ear and two nose piercings. He had dark brown eyes and a really cute smile. His style was somewhat like Payton's. Ashton on the other hand had light blue eyes with a nice jawline.

His teeth are just perfect kinda like Jackson's. Anyways, the three of us talked for quite sometime while drinking our favorite coffee. Sadly, they had to go and I became really sad. They were really fun to talk too. Oh Belva, when you wake up, you're so going to like my new friends.

- Jackson -

I've been missing Belva like crazy but I just don't show it. I just figured that Payton and Jacob might like her too. I think I've started to have feelings for her as well. I'm not too sure though. My feelings are everywhere.

She's different. I mean yeah she's human but I mean like her personality is so...attracting. My life changed when she came along. I'm glad I met her. While we're at it, I'll tell you how we actually became friends.

"Hey wait!" The girl turned to look at my direction. I walked up close to her and asked "How come I've never seen you around?" She sighed and was very hesitant. "It's okay, I'm one of Payton's friends."

I gave her a smile and she looked around. "Let's talk over there." I followed her and now we're just sitting on top of the balcony. The light wind blew her hair back showing her beautiful features.

She tucked a few hair behind her ears and began to speak. "I just recently live here with my father since my mother passed away." She turned to look at the view wiping her tears away.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss." I lightly held onto her hand and smiled at her. She was shocked but didn't mind. "I should go now. I don't want Payton to think I'm stealing you away from him."

She got up but I held onto her wrist which made her turn around to look at my confused expression. "Why would he think that? Aren't you guys friends?" The girl slowly got her wrist out of my hand and shook her head no.

"I'm not going to even ask why but wanna be friends?" Her face lit up which made me chuckle. "Well, my name's Jackson. Jackson Felt." "I'm Belva Hendrix, nice to finally have another friend. Other than Faith."

We both gave each other smiles and soon was interrupted by someone. It was Faith. "I'm HER best friend so don't even try stealing her away from me. Got it?" Faith walked up to us and held onto Belva's arm.

"Got it ma'am." I surrendered and I just heard Belva trying not to laugh. "Good. Now go along. Belva and I have some stuff to do." Faith shooed me. I shook my head and told them goodbyes.

"What took you so long?" Payton looked up from his phone. "How come you never told me a girl was living with you?" I smiled to myself remembering what happened. "Why do you care? She's human."

He rolled his eyes and went back on his phone. "So? She seems like a kind soul. What's your problem with her?" I sat down on his bed and took his phone out of his hands. "Give it back."

He started to get very annoyed but I really needed an answer from him. "Not until you tell me why you don't like her." I hid his phone in the back of my pocket. "How would you like it if someone lived with you?"

He got out of his bed and leaned onto his counter crossing his arms. "If it's a girl, I'm fine but a boy, now that's a whole different story." I took out his phone but before he snatched it, I decided to ask him "Imagine you end up falling in love with her." I smirked and he took his phone right out of my hand. "I won't fall in love with her."

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