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- Belva -
I've been making up excuses to shop longer but I ran out of money. So, now we're on our way home but I really don't wanna go. I didn't have a choice, considering that I'm broke.

The car ride was really loud with the blasting music as we all sang together having the best time of our lives. All of the car windows were open including the roof top. I unbuckled my seatbelt, stood on my seat, and I peaked up to the car roof to put my arms up just casually vibing.

My mind was clear, I was relaxed by the wind, closing my eyes, smiling, taking some breathing in and outs. I heard Jackson yelling out, "Belva duck!" . I did as I was told and widened my eyes.

That green sign was about to knock me out. That was a close call.. "Thanks Jack." I nervously said, giving the most embarrassing smile in history. "I always got your back." Jackson reassured looking at the small mirror.

"We'reeeee homeeee kids!" Dylan said as we all got out of the car carrying our shopping bags into the house. A couple of maids came out to help us, which I was relieved because I didn't want to build anymore muscles on my shoulders than I already have.

"I wonder what we'll have for dinner." Faith spoke up and I lightly pushed her. "We just had burgers not too long ago." I reminded her. "Oh well, this stomach right here, you see? Wants to be stuff... again." She pointed at her belly which made me shrug.

"Oh who am I kidding? Let's go and check what the chefs are making." We both raced towards the kitchen but she won. I should've joined track... What? Everyone in this house always beats me.

As much as I hate running, competing is my middle name. Yeah, you caught me. It's actually Bea. Belva Bea Hindrix. "These look delicious!" Faith squealed out of my thoughts.

"I agree, you guys are doing great." I walked around looking at the beautiful masterpieces. "Girl, don't drool in our food." Faith slapped my arm running away. "Don't let me get you!" I ran out after her.

"Ahhh!! Dylan, Dylan, help me from her!!" Faith uses Dylan as a shield while he's over here laughing his butt off. "Heyyyy no fair!" I tried to go to her right but she switched to her left but it didn't last long though.

I know it was supposed to be a good thing but I heard laughter echoing the room. Those laughs were recognizable. My mood quickly changed. Not the good kind, if you're wondering. No? Okie.

"Yay! I won!!" Faith let go of Dylan's shirt and did her little dance. "Yeah yeah, but next time I'm not letting you off the hook. Just keep that in mind." I sat next to Jackson on the couch and laid my head onto his shoulder.

My eyes were closed for a couple of seconds until I felt someone sitting next to me. I opened my eyes and met Parker's. He smiled and asked, "How did your day go so far?" "The best.. until I spent all of my money and had to come back. How about you?" I was now facing him, giving him a smile back.

"Just the usual, ya know? Nothing new." Parker shrugged. I nodded my head and Jacob spoke up. "So...you're free tomorrow?" "Um actually-" "Perfect! I'll pick you up at 5. Dress your best." Jacob interrupted me and winked, walking out.

"Okay then.." I ran upstairs to my room then closed my door lock. What should I even wear? Is that even a question? I like to prep my outfit the day before knowing that's a way to get my life somewhat together. I guess?

Hey.. it's something alright? Any who.. I took out my white sweater, black legging, camel coat and white sneakers. To set it all, a pair of black sunglasses and mini backpack. Just because I'm broke, doesn't mean I'm not allow to bring my necessities.

Nothing to fancy but still a cute, yet comfortable fit. As I ran back downstairs, I asked, "Is dinner ready yet?!" . "Right on time!" Faith answered looking up at me. "Oh heck to the yeah!"

My excitement went down. Wanna know why? Payton's girlfriend was sitting in MY seat. Since when did she get in here? "Move. This isn't your spot." I crossed my arms looking at her.

She smirked then pouted turning towards Payton. "Babe? Can you like tell.. this girl that this seat is like already taken?" Her hand was slowly rubbing onto his thighs but he quickly brushed it off. "You can sit anywhere else, there is plenty of room." He didn't even give me a look, but I wasn't going to let it slide that easily.

"You know this has always been MY chair. It clearly has my name written on it. I know for a fact, I don't know her name but I can't seem to find her name anywhere... on any of these chairs. So, I guess that means she has to sit on the floor? You know what, I'll be a little nicer. She can sit all the way over there on that couch.. where no one can see her." I smirked and I can hear little laughters behind me.

"Her name's Kayla. Can't you be kind for the day and let her sit here? Her chair hasn't arrived yet. That's why." Payton finally sets his phone down to look up at me. Meanwhile, KaYla over here.. has a really.. slap able smirk right now..

I really want to smack it away but I learned to keep my cool. Before I walked away, kAyLa laughed saying, "I guess like the little poor princess was so scared that she finally like let me have her precious chair."

I stopped in my tracks, looked up and turned back around to face that annoying diva. Let's see how much money it will take to fix her face.

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