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- Belva -

"I didn't know you worked here?"

I stood up looking at Ashton in the eyes.

"I uh.."

He looked away and tried to think of a stupid reason I'm guessing by his sudden head tilt. My eyes wandered to a picture frame that was on Ashton's desk. I froze in shock and should've known.

Now all of the pieces are adding up. I was trembling in fear. Ashton squinted his eyebrows at me as I gulped. Then his face relaxed..in a way I've never seen before. I have to get out of here immediately.

"You know.. you just made my job easier." He chuckled, looking at me up and down.

I slowly backed away and almost tripped. "What do you mean by that?"

"You.. all alone.. in my office. Thanks for doing all of the hard work. Although, kidnapping you probably would've been even more fun."

His hand moved under his desk and it seemed like he was about to push on something. I quickly turned back to open the door but I couldn't. There wasn't a lock on it, so I'm really confused. I started to bang and yelled out for help. It was useless.

"Yeah.. I'm not letting you out anytime soon."

"What have I ever done to make you this upset Ashton?!"

I slowly turned around with my fists folded tightly ready to punch the life out of him. How could he stab me? Why did he? What did I do wrong?

"Well, you see. I'm one of Addario's relatives."

I'm speechless...

"My cousin and uncle are nowhere to be found. You. Were the last person to be with Dylan."

I scoffed. Does he really think I'm the type of person to do that? He's definitely out of his damn mind.

"On that particular day, Mr. Addario went missing too. So, it's my duty to do what's right."

"What? No. I get it. They were your family but you have no idea what they had done. That's why I'm here. My plan was to comfort them, not you. I just heard about this news."

"Oh.. I know very well what things they did.."

I gave him a confusing look. "Typical.. of course you know."

"So. We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

"What.. are you doing Ashton?.."

"I'm going to turn you into one of us."

"Us? Ashton, there's no one in here."

"They're all in this very building you're standing on."

Two sharp teeth appeared in his mouth, his eyes changed into the same color.. as Dylan.. his cousin. I remembered those horrifying days. They're.. vampires. I always denied that because I didn't have even proof.

"No. I won't allow it, so don't get any closer."

I took my mini pepper spray out of my white purse and sprayed at his eyes. He held his eyes tight screaming in pain. I took the advantage of kneeing him in that area and ran to his desk, so I can unlock the door. It made a click noise then that's when I ran out.

I was soon stopped by many other vampires. They were all surrounding me in a big circle. I was running out of pepper spray as well but luckily I brought some sharp essentials. Let's just hope they work.

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