Class Feild Day

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It's been a few weeks since the incident with Cardin and Team EMRC without the E are in their dorm room keeping themselves entertained by throwing grapes at Phillip and seeing if he can eat it. Diana lazily throws another and Phillip catches it in his mouth, swallowing it he boardly states, "Thirty-three..."

They hear the door open and turn to see Ellis enter the room rubbing his arm and head. Phillip looks at him confused and asks, "What's up with you L?"

A grape is thrown at Phillip and hits him on the side of the head dazing him for a moment, Jack laughs and Ellis sits on his bed hurting, "I was doing some training with Weiss, she really doesn't like putting things on the low setting..."

Jack smiles and laughs facing him while Diana throws another grape towards Phillip, which he promptly eats and calls out his score, "You two have been hanging out a lot more. Almost like you two are you know... "a thing"."

Ellis just looks flustered and away, "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

Jack just smiles and winks at him slyly, "Suuuure you don't."

Ellis takes off his jacket and puts it on his beds head, "Have you guy's seen Jaune recently? I haven't been able to talk to him since he started hanging around Cardin."

Jack throws another grape at Phillip and looks back to Ellis with a sad expression, "Neither, I think Cardin's infecting him with some jerk disease or something."


Diana throws another grape at Phillip and looks to Ellis, "No. What about you Phillip?"

She throws another grape and Phillip eats it with ease, "Forty-five, and nope."

Ellis just sighs sadly and sits back into his bed, "Well we can't dwell on it team, I'll ask him when I get the chance. Now get sleep everyone, we have a field trip tomorrow."

Diana stands up stretching, "Yeah, we don't want to run into a grim with stiff joints or sleep depravity and die before our futures of fame!"

Everyone nods and starts getting into bed, but jack feels his back pocket and realises its empty, "Aah... crap..."

Diana looks at him, "What's up?"

Jack, in his green lightning pyjama pants with his usual green singlet, walks towards the door, "I left my scroll in Port's classroom, I'll be back in a bit."

Ellis waves at him tired, "Just don't take too long!"

Jack walks out of his dorm and turns a corner to see Jaune sitting outside his door and Ruby in standing in front of him in her pyjama's, black and red striped pyjama pants with a black singlet housing a red, sharp teethed, bear, heart thing on the front, she also has a black sleeping mask on her head with red slits on them for eyes.

Jaune looks down in disappointment, "I'm a failure..."

Ruby pipes up, "Nope."

Jaune looks up to her confused, "Nope?"

Jack looks confused at them, "Nope?" They both turn to see Jack standing there and he walks over, "What's going on?"

"Jaune is saying that it was a mistake for him to come here and that he's a failure."

Jack goes into a thinking pose to ponder for a moment and says, "Nope."

Jaune just looks at them sad, "What do you guys mean?"

Ruby steps forward, "What I mean is, nope. You're a leader now Jaune."

Jack steps forward and kneels down to his level with a kind smile, "You're not allowed to be a failure anymore dude."

RWBY fanfic: Team EMRC Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now