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A/n: I know, I know! Ya'll wondering what happened between tupac and hope. Don't worry. Imma say a lil in the next chappie. ;)

Hope's pov

I was so confused. When we went into lesane's house, it was huge. How did he get enough money? Was he dealing again? I hope not.. Wait. I shouldn't care. It's not like me and him are dating again. Oh yeah... About that.


(2nd grade)

"momma. I don't wanna meet the neighbors." "hope, this is un negotiable." I frowned. I hated this dress momma put on me. I hate my hair straight. I hate everything. Gosh, I even hate my name. Before I knew it we were at the neighbors porch, ringing the doorbell. When the door opened, a beautiful lady opened the door. Her skin was like a grizzled bear's color which is very dark but hey, black is beautiful. "well hello!! I'm alice Williams ( a/n: her other name is afeni shakur) "hi, I'm augusta brown, and this is hope." my momma said proud. I waved, cuz I wasn't a shy girl. Then a lil boy came out. "lesane, say hello." he crossed his arms. "but momma, I don't wanna say hello to that ugly pig." I frowned. Boy, I just met him and I already hate him. Good way to start a relationship with neighbors...

( 4th grade)

Ever since that day miss Alice and momma would see each other. Either us going to their house or they coming to our house. Either way I still hated lesane. And he hated me.. "eww, it's that pig! Oink,oink!" lesane laughed to some boy I never seen. "nah, she pretty. She ain't no pig." he walked over to me. "Hey, I'm Shane, lesane's cousin. " I'm getting nervous... "hi... Im hope." "hope? That's a pretty name for a pretty girl." I giggled. Aww, he's so sweet unlike his cousin. I looked up and saw lesane staring at me. But that's what he always does so I just brushed it off. "come with me." Shane whispered. I went with him to lesane's backyard. "have you ever been kissed before?" huh? "no..." "you want to kiss me?" YES!! YES! BE MY PRINCE CHARMING! "I guess.." then I shrugged. He smiled. "ok.. 10 seconds. Ready, set...." just when Shane was gonna kiss me, lesane's arm got in the way, and began punching him. "LESANE! STOP YOUR HURTING HIM!!! LESANE!!" but it was no use. Shane tried to fight but lesane knocked him to the floor, causing more blood to come out. "SHANE YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE MY FAVORITE COUSIN! I TRUSTED YOU AND YOU GONNA GO BEHIND MY BACK TRYNNA KISS HER!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!!!" lesane yelled. I touched his arm gently. As soon as I did, he stopped. "i.... I'm sorry, princess I didn't want you to see that...." wait. Did he just call me princess? Princess? I thought I was the pig.! "princess?" I asked. He stared into my eyes for the longest of time. " I gotta go." than he dashed in his house, upstairs into his room. And that's the last time I saw him for months. Until...

(8th grade)

Lesane was really popular. He lost his virginity, had a bunch of girlfriends, he even made captain of the football/basketball team. It was around the time of junior prom. I wasn't that popular, I prefer to be called "middle classed." but anyways miss Alice was talking to my mom about when they were gonna go shopping for my dress. While they were in the living room, I was upstairs in lesane's room, reading the basketball magizine. Until he snatched it from my hands. "uh, I was reading that." "keyword:was. Anyways I gotta talk to you." he sat down on his bed next to me, in my personal space. He took my chin in his fingers and lifted it up, so he can stare in my eyes. "have you ever been kissed..." "no. You ruined my first kiss with shane." "so? Anyways, that's not the point. What if, I kissed you? You know, to get it over with." "never in a million years will I kiss you. " " fine, be that way. Be alone and be the only virgin, non kissed girl." he had a point there. Gotta give him some credit. "Fine, i'll kiss you. Only 10 seconds." he smirked. "deal." he went to the lights and dimmed them real low, and shut and locked the door. he sat next to me again. Real close. So close, you can feel his minty breath on your lips. "ready?" he said softly. "10 seconds. And I'm counting."

"whatever." he said. He smashed his plump lips to mine. 1. His hands slowly went to my waist. 2. My hands went around his neck except the one I was counting with. 3. He pushed me softly on the bed. 4....... 5.........6........... 7.........8.......9..... When I was about to pull away, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in tighter. For some reason, my legs decided to wrap around his waist. I felt his hands creep under my shirt. Oh heck no! I ain't about that life! I pulled away, and we both started breathing huskily. I stared into his chocolate eyes. his hands went back around my waist, in a protective way. I felt safe. "your a terrible kisser princess. You need training." "well I'm sorry you had to brawl with the one boy that liked me....." he glared at me. "bye lesane."

JUNIOR PROM(8th grade)

So, I went with my best guy friend julius. He's also in the football/basketball team like lesane, and had/has a lot of girlfriends. He lost his virginity I'm sure of it, and he's very popular. He claims to be an outlaw. (lesane's guy clique.) and my best friends says I should feel honored to be going out with julius. Julius looked real nice with his turquoise shirt and navy tux, but not as nice as lesane. He had a red shirt and tie (my favorite color) with a black tux . He went with tshaquita (sha-quee-da) Jenkins, school cheerleader. For some weird reason she don't like me but frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Any ways, I was dancingwith julius, when all of a sudden, he kissed me. I giggled lightly, and when I was gonna kiss again, I was pulled back. Next thing you know... BAM! lesane came in and punched Julius. Why does lesane always gotta ruin the good moments. "lesane! Why? Why you allways gotta ruin my moments, when it's my time to shine. You can go having sex with any girl you want but if I so kiss a boy you gonna go H.A.M. tshaquita stepped in. "hey you need to---" "shut up and fix your lace front, and cut off your mustache, then we can talk." I glared at her. She ran into the bathroom with her best friends. I ran outside. but an arm stopped me. "princess, please just listen to me.." " listen to you? Listen to you! How am I gonna listen when I'm hearing all these rumors of you making love to other girls... I want someone to make love to me! It's unfair! What do they have I don't lesane? What! Because everybody either hates me or is afraid of me because you beat them up everytime they look my way. Now my best friend might be afraid of me too. I hate you lesane! All I want is love. All I want is someone to make love to me, is that ok? Or are you gonna beat them up cuz as far as I know that's the reason why I don't got a boyfriend. Its all your fault! I hate you! I hate you!" he was speechless. The silence was killing me so I began punching his chest. Tears were streaming down my eyes. He picked me up and walked the 5 blocks to his house as I kept punching him and crying. When we walked passed the livingroom, our moms looked at us confused but he kept walking me into his room. He layed me down on his bed. He went to his bathroom for a minute. He came back in only basketball shorts revealing his six pack. He handed me a long white shirt with short sleeves and boxers. I changed infront of him and he watched the whole time.... At least I hoped he looked. I put my long hair into a messy bum then hopped into his bed. Since I went into prom natural, I didn't have to wash my makeup off or face. He went in and pulled my waist closer to him, and left them there. "I hate you." I mumbled. "I hope you don't. I care about you. I love you hope." I heard him say as I drifted to sleep in his arms. If you thought I was jealous of the girls he made love to or dated, you must be really, really smart.


(a/n: not what you expected ehh? But this isn't all of the story. The other half will be revealed soon. :) and p.s the flashback had the grades, so think of the age a kid would be in that grade. P.p.s when she started counting, count really slow. Say mississippi 5 times after the number, because hope counted slow on purpose. ;) Vote comment, thanks.)

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