Flashing Lights

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Kim: "Kanye! Wake up! North West is missing! AHHHH! My baby!"

Kim hollered looking everywhere in the house. She looked in the showers and in the toilet. Kanye looked at her crazy when she checked the toilet.

Kanye:"Dude, she is right here! That's a a shame you don't even know where yo child is."

Kim jogged to the side of the bed where North West was sleeping peacefully.

Kim:"Hi North! My million dollar baby is sleeping with daddy!"
Kanye:"Damn, bitch! You gonna wake her up!"
Kim:"Kanye I told you to dress her in some Gucci clothes...not Versace! She's not completely black!"
Kanye:"So you saying...never mind Kim."

Kanye went into the bathroom to freshin up because Kim was taking him to an expensive breakfast restaurant.

Kanye:"Where are all of my Retro Jordans!?!"
Kim:"Baby...my mom, Kris told me to sell all of those shoes because she said they were too black and she replaces them with some stylish Banana Republic and American Eagle shoes."

Kanye looked in his 4th closet and saw some hideous shoes.

Kim:"Look, Kanye...they are soo nicer then those Jordans."

Kanye turned around and smacked Kim right in the face. She fell down on her fat ass and started crying.

North West:"Mama got knocked out!"
Kanye:"She sure did, North."

Then somebody came rushing into the door. It was Bruce's tranny ass.

Bruce:"What is going on in here?!"

Bruce Jenner was standing at the door with a package.

Kanye:"How the fuck you get in my house!?!"

Kanye smacked Bruce Jenner or (Caitlin Jenner) right in the face and he started crying too. He really was crying because he just had his face redone.

Kanye:"Yo ex-wife is gonna learn to not mess with a black man's Jordan's!!!"

Kanye loaded his shotgun and ran out the house. Kim kept crying and sobbing on the floor. Kanye came back to get North West and took off.

Bruce:"Call the police! Help!" Bruce cried.

Bruce grabbed a house phone that was shaped like a butt.

Operator:"This is 911...please state your emergency."
Bruce:"There's an angry black man out to kill my divorced wife! We need help and he stole my granddaughter!"
Operator:"Yeah right mother fucker."
Bruce:"Wait! This is Bruce Jenner...the famous Olympian!"
Operator:"Sorry...this sounds like Caitlin Jenner too us."

They hung up in his face.

Bruce:"Damn! Can't nobody help a rich white man around here!"

Kanye came outside and was bombarded by paparazzis. He had to push some of them out of the way to get to his drop top. Some of the crazy paparazzis was trying to take North West.

Kanye:"Y'all better move the hell back! Take my baby if ya want to! I'll pop the truck on y'all asses!"
Paparazzi's:"Cute baby!"

Then somebody in the crowd said something really rude and Kanye snapped.

Kanye:"Oh hell naw! Not today!"

He buckled North West in her seatbelt and turned around to whoop some tail. The rude dude was wearing a black jacket and Kanye was not about to let him out of his sight.

When Kanye Slapped KimWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu