Chapter 2

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*Time jump to the next day*

Training started at 10 am after breakfast. They all gathered on top of the roof, lined up in numerical order, except for Vanya, who stood next to their father.

"If yesterdays mission showed me anything is that you six need more training-" Reginald spoke.

"What are you taking about? We won." Diego interrupted.

"Number 2! Do not interrupt me when I speak" Reginald snapped.

Diego looked down in shame and avoided eye contract.

"As I was saying, statistics prove that the injuries you sustained yesterday could have been reduced by 78% if you worked on defending attacks rather than offensive"

They all looked at each other in confusion.

"So today's training will be focused on defending number 7-" Reginald said.

"Wait what?" Five said protectively. "We are not risking Vanya's life for some stupid training exercise!".

"Number 7, doesn't have a choice in the matter" Reginald spoke over him. He turned to face Vanya who had a face of worry. "Now, number 7, stand at the edge of the building".

All the color drained from Vanya's face as she slowly walked over to the edge of the building. She peered down the building and her stomach quenched, the ground was a 100 ft drop. If she fell she would definitely break most of her bones. She looked back at her siblings and locked eyes with Five.

"Each of you will take turns in saving number 7, all except number 3 and 4, who will be down at the courtyard standing by for medical help along with Grace and Pogo. There will be medical help, but no soft landing" Reginald said.

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