A Latte Love

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((Bold means pov, italic means in the head, normal is anything else. Sorry for the grammar/spelling/phrase mistakes..... I'm bad at english I don't pay attention in class!! 😂😂 This is a coffee shop au with Bakugou as the barista and Kirishima as the flirty customer. Bakugou is a softie in this cause I stan. @Mxrigxold gave me this idea!! Thanks a lot babe!!))

Miku is in this again

Kirishima POV:
I was in my way to work when I saw a new coffee shop opened up. I decided to check it out, I mean I have like an hour before I need to be at work and I haven't had breakfast yet so, here I am.

I walked in and loved the place immediately. It was super cutesy. It had a pastel theme to it. Imagine a pastel Starbucks, that's pretty much how it looked. I went up to the counter and rang the little bell that they had set out on the counter. After a minute, this really cute, ash blonde guy stumbled out of the employee door, almost falling down. I think I just fell in love.

Bakugou POV:
I got to work at my new job and was genuinely surprised when I saw my best friend, Miku Midoriya here.

"Ketchup! I never would have thought you would land a job, especially here!"
"Really? Are you being serious?"
"Haha! No, I'm not. I know you and this is a perfect job for you!"
"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous to talk to people though. You of all people should know I hate social interaction"
"Hey! You'll do great! If you need any help, any at all, just call for me! I'm here for ya Ketchup! Plus, look on the bright side, maybe you'll meet a cute boy!"

She nudged me on the arm and I just blushed. Yeah, she's my best friend and practically sister but, HOW THE FUCK DID SHE KNOW I'M GAY!? I just came out to my parents yesterday. I never told her!

"How did you know I'm gay?"
"Babe, I know you. I see how you look at cute guys! I knew you were gay before I knew I was gay. And news flash, I don't care if you like boys, girls, no one, I love you no matter what, babe! You are you, no one can change that!"
*small smile* "Thanks Miku, that helped a lot."

Then I heard the little bell ring. Miku pushes me out ((she was handling the drive-thru and I was handling the counter)), making me stumble, embarrassing myself in front of this costumer.

I turned around to see this red headed, strong looking, nicely tanned guy, holding back a giggle. I blushed like crazy and walked over to the counter.

"S-sorry about that wait, what can I get you
"Can I get a Carmel Apple Macchiato please? And maybe your number~?"

Shiiiit. This guy is flirting with me. A HOT GUY IS FLIRTING WITH ME! MIKU FREAKING JINXED ME! I don't know how to respond! Flirty or just normal? Argh! Miku said if I need help, just call her, but I can't just say, "MIKU!", in the middle of an order! Ok, just go normal I guess, play dumb.

"What number?"

Not that dumb! He's looking at me very confused. Shit. He trapped me!

"I mean, o-of course."

I put the order in and gave him the price. He gives me the money and I put it in and run back to Miku.

Miku POV:
I heard the bell and push Ketchup out. Yes, I'm that friend. After he stumbled out the door, I went to go take the drive-thru.

Immediately after I finish with the customer, Ketchup comes back. Not just walking but a blushing, panicked, embarrassed, mess.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?"
"Cute- Flirt- Asked my number- GAY PANIC!"

I giggled and knew exactly what happened. He met a cute guy.

"KATSUKI! That's great! Did you give him your number?"
*shakes head* "N-no but I accidentally said "what number?" Then I said "of course!"
"Then lets get him his order and your number dumbass!"

I scramble to get a cup, look up at the order and help Katsuki make the Macchiato. Once he finishes, he runs to a corner and looks like he's contemplating life. I write down his number, knowing he's to awestruck to to come out and give the order to this man, much less write his number down. I pick up the drink and number and I walk out.

"Eijiro Kirishima!"

Kirishima POV:
I order and this guy is super flustered over the one comment I make, it's super cute. Once he takes my order, he runs to the back and I go and sit down.

This guys is super cute and nice from what I know, when he comes back, I'm gonna ask him out. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I hear a girl call my name.

I walk up to her and she says, "Are you Eijiro?" I respond with "Yes." She smiles, gives me my drink and says, "I'm Miku and the guy who took your order was Katsuki Bakugou! He obviously likes you but is too shy to tell you, or give you his number. I wrote it down on this paper," She hands me a cute, yellow paper, "Give him a call or text sometime! His shift gets over at noon, if that helps at all!"

"Oh! Thanks! Uh, could you maybe go back and ask him if he's available after his shift is over, I wanna take him out."

"Of course! One second babe!"

She runs to the back. I was kinda shocked this really small, cute girl called me babe but, I have a friend who calls everyone babe so maybe she's just that type. ((She is. Me too.))

She comes back after a minute and starts talking to me again.

"He says he is! What time do you want to take him out?"
"Maybe one? That's when I get off work so."
"Ok! One is great! I'll have him ready when you get here!"
"Ok great! Thanks, Miku was it?"
"Yup! And no problem! I'm always here to help out!"

She gives me the most adorable smile ever and walks away. This girl is the best friend ever! I wish I had a friend like her. I mean she got me a freaking date with a super cute guy! I'm so excited to go out with Bakugou!

After work, I remember the paper Miku gave me and I take it out.

Kirishima: Hey! Is this Bakugou's number?
Bakugou: Yeah. Who is this? And, not to be rude but, how did you get my number?
Kirishima: It's Kirishima, the guy from this morning. I got it from your friend, Miku.
Bakugou: *long sigh* Of course you did. It's Miku. Anyway, hey! Sorry about being so embarrassed earlier..
Kirishima: It's ok! It's was kinda cute honestly~ 😉Are you ready to go?
Bakugou: >////< Yeah! Did Miku tell you to pick me up at work?
Kirishima: Yup! If that's fine.
Bakugou: Of course it is! I'll meet you outside!
Kirishima: Okie dokie! See you in a minute!

I'm so excited and in love with this guy I might burst! Well, here goes nothing!

And I'm done! I really like how this turned out! If you want a second part, more of Miku, and or both, then please tell me! I love ya babes!

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